Setting Goals With Google Calendar

Tyler Kirwan
3 min readJun 17, 2016

In April, Google introduced the ability to set goals with Google Calendar. I was excited about this news, because it meant I could delete the two bit goal setting apps that had been lingering on my phone.

Keep in mind, Google only added goal setting to the Android and iPhone versions of Google Calendar, not the desktop version.

Why’d they do this? Probably because they’re lazy pieces of dirt.

Actually, they might just want to see if people will use the new goal setting feature before rolling it out on every platform. Or maybe they’re incentivizing users to download the Google Calendar mobile app.

Either way, it’s a promising feature. I’ve downloaded other goal setting apps and have never been quite satisfied with them.

I think the idea of having goals tied to my google calendar, and in turn my entire google environment, is delightful.

So in case you were wondering how to do it, here’s a quick rundown.

How to set goals with Google Calendar

Step 1 Add a goal

Open your Google Calendar app, click the + symbol on the bottom right, then click goal.

Setting goals with google calendar

Step 2 Choose the type of goal you’d like to set

Here’s where you decide whether you want to stop being fat, talentless, or lazy.

setting goals with google apps

Step 3 Choose your goal

Google will now give you some ideas to narrow down your goal. You can also add a custom goal if their ideas don’t suit you. The choice is yours.

setting goals with google calendar

Step 4 Select your frequency and duration

Here you’ll decide how often you want to be annoyed with Google Calendar reminders.

goal setting with google calendar
goal setting with google calendar
goal setting with google calendar

Step 5 Accomplish your goals

Your Google Calendar will now remind you when it’s time to reach for the stars, or whatever.

setting goals with google calendar

I’ve just started setting goals with Google Calendar, so I’ll check back and update this post with my experience.

Let us know if you’ve set any goals with Google Calendar and what you though of the process in the comments section below.



Tyler Kirwan

Google Apps enthusiast. Lover of the NBA, technology and pop chips.