Surrealism’s Fusion with Marketing Explored

5 min readJan 27, 2024


Photo by JUNHYUNG PARK on Unsplash

Surrealistic marketing has gained traction in recent years, with an increasing number of brands turning to technology to elevate their campaigns, aiming to captivate consumers’ attention and set themselves apart. However, implementing such techniques necessitates heightened technological involvement. Utilizing artificial reality on various social media platforms has become a prevalent approach, adding artificial layers to real-world objects and integrating a company’s campaigns. This enables users on platforms like Snapchat and Instagram to generate content using filters. Additionally, computer-generated imagery (CGI) is employed to craft unique digital campaigns, enhancing engagement and conveying messages in an innovative manner. Surrealistic marketing is on the rise, enabling brands to distinguish their campaigns and produce captivating content that encourages sharing and participation through AR filters.

So what do I mean by Surrealistic Marketing?

A dictionary’s definition of surrealism is:

Surrealism is a style in art and literature in which ideas, images, and objects are combined in a strange way, like in a dream. — Collins Dictionary

While surrealism can be defined in a dictionary, surrealistic marketing is an emerging concept that lacks a precise definition. Nevertheless, ChatGPT can offer insights into how to define this concept within the realm of marketing.

Surrealistic marketing is a creative and unconventional approach that combines strange ideas and images, reminiscent of a dream, to promote and sell products. — ChatGPT

Deciphering what precisely qualifies as an “unconventional approach” in marketing can be challenging based on this definition. The utilization of technology to craft distinctive, creative, and eye-catching marketing is a rapidly evolving trend. The adoption of virtual reality headsets, with companies like Oculus and the upcoming Apple Vision Pro, may accelerate this evolution. Surrealism in marketing could emerge as an increasingly vital strategy for brands, allowing them to stand out and devise engaging and unique campaigns.

Below, I’ve identified four examples of outdoor and online campaigns from various brands that have incorporated the element of surrealism in their marketing. Each brand, in doing so, has taken a unique and unconventional approach to their campaigns.

Courtesy of Samsung Foldable Campaign
  1. Samsung created a remarkable out-of-home campaign with their Foldable initiative. In a statement from the company’s newsroom article about the campaign, Samsung stated: “The giant next-gen Galaxy devices were brought to life in these global locales thanks to a combination of real-world images and CGI mastery.’’
Courtsey of Vogue Business & Sortir Paris

2. The Louis Vuitton Kusama campaign artfully incorporated diverse elements of surrealism. By employing AR filters, consumers were able to project the campaign’s distinctive pattern onto renowned monuments worldwide. Additionally, the installation atop their Paris store served as a captivating outdoor advertisement, catching the eye of passersby.

Courtesy of Maybelline

3. Maybelline’s disruptive campaign, centered around their “Lash Sensational” product, not only captured significant media attention but also achieved viral success online, accumulating over 3 million likes on Instagram and garnering extensive media coverage. The UK Maybelline Marketing Director was quoted by Metro, stating that they “wanted to create a disruptive marketing campaign to hero our mascara.”

Courtesy of Jacquemus

4. Jacquemus has cultivated a distinctive and unique marketing approach. The brand effectively employs surrealism across online and offline campaigns, as well as incorporating surrealistic elements into their boutiques. This integration of surrealistic aspects has not only attracted media attention but has also prompted consumers to share the brand’s engaging and uniquely aesthetic representation.

What motivates brands to incorporate surrealistic elements in their marketing?

Online: Standing out for brands is increasingly challenging, given the competitive landscape of online advertising. When consumers scroll through various platforms like Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat, they encounter numerous ads, prompting marketers to grapple with the question of how to distinguish themselves. In my opinion, the use of surrealism enables brands to differentiate themselves online and generate shareable content due to its unique nature. Additionally, incorporating AR filters adds a fun and memorable dimension to engaging with surrealistic campaign content. Brands like Jacquemus and Maybelline, have demonstrated that the incorporation of surrealism enhances the engagement and intrigue of their content. As a result of their campaigns, many received numerous media articles that highlighted the creativity and uniqueness of their campaigns. The adoption of artistic and unconventional CGI insertion of branded products results in captivating content that sparks intrigue and enhances memorability.

Outdoor: In the realm of outdoor media, surrealistic marketing campaigns by brands like Louis Vuitton, Jacquemus, and Samsung redefine the impact of out-of-home advertising. For many brands, out-of-home (OOH) plays a significant role in increasing awareness, fostering ad recall, and reaching the target audience for their campaigns. However, surrealistic marketing introduces unique billboards and brand objects that truly stand out. How often do we feel compelled to capture a photo or video of a brand’s out-of-home marketing? In my opinion, as exemplified by brands such as Samsung and Louis Vuitton, the incorporation of surrealistic elements creates captivating and compelling campaigns, encouraging consumers to actively engage.

Overall, I find that pinpointing what exactly qualifies as surrealistic in marketing can be challenging, but at its core, it’s an intriguing concept for crafting unique and standout marketing. The examples of brands that have employed this technique demonstrate success in creating memorable campaigns that truly stand out.

Thank you for reading my post. I purely write about intriguing marketing-related topics driven by passion and curiosity to learn.

Gee.Press by Bob van Geemen — Issue 4




GEE.PRESS đź‘€ Delves into the ever-evolving marketing and branding landscape, uncovering insights and innovative strategies with each new issue.