Bronx Worker-Cooperative Brings Environmental, Social and Economic Opportunities to the Local Community

2 min readMar 17, 2017



Bronx, New York, March 17, 2017 — GreenFeen, a social enterprise and environmental consulting firm, uses Hip-Hop to promote sustainability as a lifestyle and is actively recruiting customers for services within their initiatives for collection, carting and use of organic waste. They are one of the small players in Mayor DeBlasio’s 2030 zero-waste plan that is taking the future of their community into their own hands, sparking a domino effect and pressuring their representatives to consider sustainability within all of their decisions.

This previous month, in February of 2017, the Community Board 6 of the Bronx issued a formal letter of support. This letter recognizes that GreenFeen’s efforts to impact and improve waste diversion align with most of CB6’s committee missions including, Sanitation, Economic Development, Health and Human Services, Youth and Education, and Parks and Recreation.

Having their M/WBE (Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise) certification from NYC, GreenFeen has become a leader in the community and is looking to inspire young activists. Founder, Dior St. Hillaire, reiterates that “Our understanding of how we can truly transform our trash into treasure, de basura a belleza; can propel us into the circular and green economy, which in turn distributes sustainability throughout the city.”

While looking to collaborate with the city, businesses, and the local community, the L.O.C. (Local Organic Collection) Pilot Program initiated by GreenFeen will engage the community with both residential, academic and commercial outreach. The worker-cooperative looks forward to starting their collection in June of 2017. Thank you Green Worker Cooperatives!

The GreenFeen team will be presenting at the Green Thumb Conference on March 25th at Hostos Community College. To learn more about both GreenFeen and NYC Parks, please join us at the 33rd Annual GreenThumb GrowTogether Conference: Sustaining Garden Legacies. Visit us at

Press Contact

Kylie McDowell

901 233 6905




Rethinking trash for the future, present, and past