I run into the sea.

Shay Mcgreal
3 min readJun 13, 2019
Photo by Aleks Dahlberg on Unsplash

I am cold in a way I understand, in a way that comforts me. My toes separate as I sink into the sand. I know this is a dream but I chose to lie to myself anyway.

The sky is dark but a horizontal light weaves between the scattered crowd like gunfire. The light makes me aware I am not alone now. These people feel close but I am sure I don’t know them, they are here for the same reason.

Somehow I know what happens next like this was planned, I don’t remember getting here. I am sure it is a dream but the goosebumps on my skin argue it’s not.

A wind coming from behind seems to be pushing us forward. In staggered unison we all start to walk, small steps at first, edging towards the darkness. I want to look left or right for reassurance but I decide against it, I get the feeling everyone does the same.

I see a young woman braver than I start to edge forward, she is wearing a bikini. It’s cold, I look down, I am wearing swimming trunks. Did we plan this?

I become aware I am now middle of the pack in the slowest race ever run. Curiosity starts to overtake fear on mass and we start to move as a unit towards the blackness.

The goosebumps turn to mounds as I hear it for the first time. The ocean crashing into the sand. My skin wants to jump from my muscles in anticipation, but I am excited. I…



Shay Mcgreal

The musings of a silly Millennial. Mostly factual with a little bit of fiction sprinkled in for good measure. http://shaymcgreal.life/