Abuse in Sports is Predatory

The criminal charges against USA Gymnastics continue to accumulate


Sports are great opportunities for children at all levels of skill and participation. The slew of criminal charges against coaches, team doctors, organizations, and institutions who fail to report and act is not an indictment of sports programs but an indication of the rampant systemic and cultural lack of protection of children.

We know that predators position themselves to have access to their targets. Just as an alcoholic seeks to work in a liquor store or a bar, child predators position themselves to have access as teachers, coaches, and medical professionals. Their access doubles as their cover. By placing themselves in positions of trust, they have created an illusion of trustworthiness and credibility. We should accept no such illusions but instead be vigilant and involved.

As a coach, John Geddert was known to be abusive, causing a black eye, ruptured lymph nodes and a torn muscle when he shoved a gymnast. The Eaton County prosecutor’s office conceded that there were viable charges that would result in conviction but did not pursue it, allowing counseling instead.

Predators don’t reform with counseling. Their narcissistic entitlement with desire and intention to harm is only stopped by removing them…

