Our Government as a Cesspool of Bullies

AOC will not let it stand

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Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) called Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) a “f***king bitch”, ostensibly because he disagrees with one of her positions. But political disagreements are about policy; they’re not personal. This slur was meant to be very personal.

Roho didn’t call Representative Ocasio-Cortez a vulgar gendered pejorative because he disagrees with her political positions but because he is angered by a female presence in what he sees as a male entitled space.

Roho defended and attempted to explain away his verbal strike by saying that he is married and has daughters. Being married does not provide a “certification” of civility, respect, and decency. It doesn’t make you a good man. Being married is singly an indicator of marital status and nothing else. There are millions of girls who can attest to having a misogynistic father; having daughters does not make you a good man. Girls and women, and many men are not impressed by or falling for this worn out, meaningless cliché.

When women take on political aspirations and positions they not only take on political responsibilities and debate, they also take on backlash, conflict, criticism, condescending treatment, and dismissal. They don’t just deal with differences in political positions, they deal with…

