Cigars 101: The Basics on Proper Cigar Etiquette

Garrett Walker
7 min readJul 10, 2018

“A good smoker, like a good lover, always takes his time with a cigar” — Guillermo Cabrera Infante

Smoking cigars, a tradition that has been around since the dawn of time it seems. Representing luxury and a relaxed state of mind. A symbol of masculinity and raw energy. Today, many people smoke cigars for recreational purposes. Some enjoy a smoke for a special occasion and or a celebration. Others enjoy it as a hobby, or as a moment to relax after a long day/ week of work.

Whichever way you choose to appreciate a cigar, you need to know that there is a CORRECT way on how to do so. Time and time again I see people at the local cigar shop going back and forward looking through the humidor trying to comprehend which cigar is the right cigar that fits their style/ tastes. Then once choosing what they believe is the best choice, they either do not like the cigar, smoke it too fast, and or treat the cigar like it is some measly cigarette.

There is an art to cigars, and a process in which one should know and follow no matter how often you enjoy lighting one up. A process in which many are not aware of. But fear not, for I am here to help guide you to understand each step of the process. Learning the basics from the anatomy of a cigar, to the buying process, and of course smoking.

Cigar Composition

Before one decides to spend money on a cigar, you need to know the anatomy of a cigar along with the different types you may come across. The body of a cigar is made up of three basic parts: The wrapper, binder, and filler. The wrapper is the leaf wrapped around the outside which holds together both the binder and filler. The binder is just inside the wrapper and holds the filler. The filler basically composes most of the cigar’s contents.

The cigar will also have what is known as the cap. This covers the head of the cigar and is also the place where you cut and place your mouth. The foot is of course where you light the cigar. You often then have the label of the brand of cigar which is known as the band. You do not need to take the band off immediately. I always found it best to leave it on until the ash starts to get close and then take it off.

Cigars are commonly categorized by the size and shape of the cigar, which together are known as the vitola.

Here is a chart to help understand each size and shape:

When it comes to flavor and taste, my best recommendation is to go to your local cigar shop/ lounge and speak with someone who works there. They will help you figure out either where to begin/ what fits your pallet. If you are new to smoking cigars, i recommend starting with something mild. From there you can move to a more stronger or light to medium flavor.

Buying a Cigar

Do not randomly buy any cigar. I repeat, DO NOT RANDOMLY BUY ANY CIGAR! This is not an impulsive buy. Nor is it something you buy at your local convenience store/ gas station. Gas station cigars are 1. cheap and 2. not properly stored in a humidor. Your best bet is to go to your local cigar shop where they will have a huge variety of cigars along with the guidance and help of the tobacconist if you need the ideal recommendation. Buying cigars online is another great way to find great deals especially if you are looking to buy a box/ or in bulk.

How much should one pay for a cigar? In my experience, have learned that you do not need to spend a ton of money on just one cigar. Now if you are a collector and or have some money to spend, be my guest. Generally you can find a good to really good cigar anywhere from $6.00-$13.00. Anything higher is obviously a more rare/ great cigar but expensive, and anything lower is not worth the money or the time. The last thing I want to mention when it comes to buying cigars is once you have formed a pallet and know what you do and don’t like, be open to trying new brands and flavors.

Cutting the Cigar

This is very important, because a bad cut will ruin even the best cigar. You want to create a smooth opening for smoking without damaging the structure of the cigar. For many cigars this means cutting off part of the cap at the head of the cigar.

Now you don’t want to cut the entire cap off. This will unravel the cigar and lead to a unfulfilling smoke. In order to do this correctly you will need the right cutting tool. When it comes to cutters there are a plethora of different options: Single blade, double blade, scissors, v cutters, sharp knife, punch cutter, and or even your thumb nail or teeth. My best recommendation is getting a double blade cutter. I just always found this to be the easier and most successful of the all the cutters, and not to mention you can buy one for a fairly decent price.These also are probably the best for beginners as well.

Step 1: You want to take the cigar and line it up in the hole of the cutter.

Step 2: Squeeze both sides of the cutter until it is just around the cigar cap this will help line yourself up on where you want to cut the cigar.

Step 3: Firmly squeeze both sides and cut off just the tip of the cap to where you can see the filler.

Lighting the Cigar

Now I believe this is the most underrated and commonly the most failed part of the process when having a smoke. Do NOT use a typical cigarette lighter. You do not want the flavors from the gas in the lighter to ruin the taste of the cigar. The best way to light a cigar is using either wooden matches, cedar spill, or a butane torch lighter. It is important that you properly light a cigar because you want all of the components I.E. wrapper, binder, and filler to all be lit evenly. My best recommendation would be to use a butane torch lighter. they are easier to use and are the most consistent.

Step 1: You want to keep the cigar above and near the flame but not to let them touch.

Step 2: While you are holding the cigar by the flame, you want to evenly rotate the cigar so that all parts of the foot are equally heated and you can see that the edges are lightly blackened.

Step 3: bring the unlit cigar to your mouth and take in the first puff. the ember should burn through evenly. If it doesn't, take the cigar out of your mouth and then touch up the end with the flame.

Smoking a Cigar

When smoking the cigar you DO NOT inhale. if you do inhale the smoke, you are very likely to be overwhelmed by it. Do not smoke the cigar too fast, for it is designed to burn at a slow pace so you can relax and enjoy the cigar. Also smoking it too fast will burn too hot, leading to a not so enjoyable smoke. Also make sure not to smoke it too slow either.The cigar will burn out and you will end up having to re-light the cigar. When it comes to ashing the cigar you do not need to tap on the cigar to knock off the ash very often. you simply let it fall off on its own and or gently take the cigar and tap the edge of the ash tray and the ash will gracefully fall off. When finished with the cigar do not smash it into the ashtray like a nasty cigarette. Simply just put it aside in the tray and it will go out on its own.


Last but not least, enjoy. Take the time to seriously sit down and have a moment to yourself. Find a peaceful place at your home or local cigar lounge and enjoy yourself. Millions of people every day are constantly on the move worried about one issue or task after the next. Use this time to relax your body mind and spirit. Sip on a delicious beverage while you are at it, but most importantly enjoy your cigar.



Garrett Walker

Sports fanatic, Non-fiction junkie, movie critic, cigar lover, and beer enthusiast looking to let out my innermost random thoughts and ideas.