It is high time we Act

How can WE make a change to stop environmental degradation?

5 min readAug 17, 2020
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Nature teaches us to live in abundance
Not Excess!

Nature has taught us and inspired us for ages. We are its disciples, not its masters. Inspired by the birds, we dreamt of flying; seeing the speed and swiftness of powerful cats, we branded our cars; taking cues from the lush canopy of trees, someone perhaps ideated an umbrella and so on. But why then have we become the very reason for their almost extinct state? How ruthless is that!

Why have we forgotten boundaries? The newest ongoing pandemic could most likely also be a result of human failure to respect boundaries.

The researchers note that disrupting bat habitat appears to stress the animals and makes them shed even more virus in their saliva, urine and faeces that can infect other animals, including humans-

The denial of realisation

One of the major reasons that we are not able to do much about climate change is that many people deny it. Another reason is that many people do not care about climate change. There is also the issue of overwhelming fear. Most people who don’t want to fight against climate change are usually too scared. According to an interesting theory, our ability to worry about something is like a cup, which can be filled with liquid fear that eventually overflows making denial more convenient. Fear doesn’t work. (Source:

Whatever said and done, climate change is real and there is enough scientific evidence proving human activities as the cause of the unprecedented rate of global warming leading to a multitude of crises at a global level.

The Avalanche effect of Inaction

Failure of action against climate change is one of the top 5 risks to humanity, today. It pretty much can have an avalanche effect (quite literally) and affect the planet in many more areas, very adversely. Yes, it is all interconnected.

Screenshot from the YouTube video titled “How to avoid climate change REALLY FAST”

The increasing rate of CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases like methane are the major cause of global warming (Climate change) and we are a part of the problem. The way we generate and dump our waste which ends up in landfills is also a contributor to the rising temperatures and water and air pollution.

Like with any reform- the first step is to REALISE.

So what can I as an inhabitant of planet Earth do from my end to protect the environment from more damage? The answer is a LOT. All of us can take simple easy steps starting right from tweaking our lifestyle to be more in sync with nature we dwell in- Eco-friendly. Acknowledging that we are a part of the climate change problem is a great first step.

We do not have to just wait for the Government to take policy decisions — We can very well start right this moment from our homes, right from making better eco-friendly choices, reducing wastage of fuel, water and electricity at our level too and become a part of the solution instead.

Be a part of the Solution

Adopting a sustainable lifestyle is natural and hence SIMPLE. Some examples are listed below:

· Carry your own mug and say No to plastic/paper cups

· Buy organic shampoos and floor/laundry cleaners in refill mode instead of chemicals in plastic bottles

· Use cloth bags/reusable bags and carry your own bag/containers for grocery shopping

· Buy only what you really need and say no to packaging wherever possible

· Prefer products in sustainable packaging e.g I recently bought pasta in a cardboard pack and refused the other (though cheaper) option which was packed in a plastic pouch

· Be mindful- Our waste is our responsibility and not our planet’s. Do your bit!

It isn’t waste- It is a Resource

Good waste segregation and management can contribute to mitigating global warming and health risks. Waste management is our responsibility for we benefit and suffer from it in radical ways. Remember the used battery which you conveniently threw just yesterday with your wet waste? The probability of it being a cause of someone’s peril could be higher than you getting burp after your next meal. The chemicals that leach and pollute the rivers, air and soil from our waste stuff can do severe harm to many including our own selves eventually.

  • Aim for Zero Waste to Landfill from your home
  • Refuse plastic/Check and adopt sustainable natural alternatives(Reduce and Reuse when no feasible option)
  • Bio-composting
Created by self on Adobe Spark

Waste segregation (dry, wet, sanitary and e-waste) is a simple thing we all can start right today- Dry waste can go towards recycling or upcycling measures. Wet kitchen or organic waste can be used to make the soil rich with life and nutrients by practising bio-composting. Any medical/sanitary or hazardous waste can be disposed-off responsibly to avoid the mix up with other waste or contaminating the ecosystem.

Also, plastics can really not be fully recycled; they are downcycled and do eventually end up in landfills and hence refusing plastics as much as we can is the best solution at hand. A shift in consumer mindset is needed for the industry to align with more eco-friendly (bio-degradable) packaging options.

Refusing to accept single-use disposables are the first steps to create less trash- Vani Murthy (

Below is an indicative list of some of the common plastic items we use daily and what instead can be adopted as a sustainable alternative?

Created by self in collaboration with my nephew

An interesting video on Instagram at EcoDeeds:

We all have a choice- To be a part of the virtuous circle or the vicious one. Well, it is quite evident that our survival (and our children’s) depends heavily on the former.

Most of the things we do not do
Are due to lack of intent
Not lack of time or space

The world is recalibrating in this lockdown era. We see rare species move freely in their habitats. We witness the Himalayas from far off cities due to cleaner air. We see the fishes and dolphins take a sigh of relief. Time we humans stop behaving like selfish monsters and get our act together. Live and let live! Time to wake up and clean up our mess!

Let us evolve and not devolve!

-GK in collaboration with her adorable 12-year nephew, Gunvir S.




I love to pen down my observations and experiences in the form of poetry and prose. An avid reader who upholds the spirit of equalism.