TTP#2: Trusting the Process w/ Erik Anders Lang

Gunner Metzer
2 min readFeb 27, 2019


The idea behind trusting the process is crucial for success in both work and life. I reached out to Filmmaker/YouTuber/Golfer/Podcaster Erik Anders Lang and asked him a few important questions on what gives him inspiration to put out great content.

Filmmaker Erik Anders Lang created the production company Pictures, Pictures in 2016. Lang originally came to filmmaking from photography. Working with David LaChapelle as his protege for several years, he moved seamlessly into making successful documentaries and behind the scenes content for Serato, Louis Vuitton, Hollister, The Guggenheim, Honda, MTV, Pharrell, Public Enemy and TED. Erik has directed music videos for Moby, Escondido and DA & The Jones. Erik is the host and director for the PGA Tour / SkratchTV documentary series Adventures in Golf. He has also directed and acted in a series of commercials for Vice Golf which aired on national television for The Golf Channel. (Source: IMDB)

Question 1: Do you think a plan is necessary for success or is action more important?

Question 2: Where do you draw inspiration from?

Question 3: What’s more fulfilling: the process or the results, and why?

Instagram: @erikanderslang

Personally, I resonate with his response to the third question. Most people would say that the results are the most important part of the journey or, as Erik put it, “the dessert.” Most people spend all of their lives trying to give themselves some sort of meaning but do not want to put in the effort or dedication to their craft to achieve the results. The process is tough for them. The process is tough for me. Is the process something that we should ignore?


