Basic Introduction To Mobile Affiliate Marketing

GO Trace
3 min readApr 6, 2018


Mobile affiliate marketing is the new playground. As you know, mobile market is growing fast. With so much mobile traffic, there is also massive opportunity for mobile affiliate marketing. With our first article, we want to enter into the mobile affiliate marketing world.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Together with the increasing usage of smartphones, the travel of mobile marketing evolve into advance strategies from simple ones. One of them is mobile affiliate marketing. In short, it is performance-based marketing. It works through rewarding third party publishers (affiliates) for traffic/leads who came from a mobile device. So, the broad definition would be the process of using offers and tools to target mobile users via affiliate channel.

How To Make Money With Mobile Affiliate Marketing?

Basically, you can make money by sending traffic or lead to relevant offers. But, you need to take several steps for reaching this target. It would be better to tell in advance that it could take months to build your own launch and optimization system for a source. So, be patient! The things you should do are;

  • Pick one big traffic source. Of course, you will explore the big one via experience. That is the first point why you should be patient. Find a traffic source with massive volume and become a master.
  • Another thing you should focus is offers. You need to be patient enough to test out different offers. You can choose a few offers and launch them all at once to see which one is better. Put out of action the bad ones. Choose the best and master the source. Study all the details of the picked offer so as to better understand which actions users need to perform to trigger the wanted acquisition.
  • Learn all backdoors of each traffic source. The best way to make sure you’re choosing the right traffic source is to start by checking ad networks that have real traffic and good reviews. By the way, in-app traffic is the biggest traffic source in mobile.
  • Bidding is also important. Of course, there are other affiliates that want to get own share of the cake. So, carefully analyze the competition and create your own bidding strategy.

Pros And Cons Of Mobile Affiliate Marketing

Like any marketing strategy, it has several pros and cons, or benefits and burdens.


Massive Growth

As you’ve heard everywhere that more and more people are becoming more active on mobile. Let’s talk about numbers! 92% of people consider their smartphone their primary device. Mobile devices account for the half of organic search engines traffic approximately. Growing mobile population makes it preferable and profitable for you.

Lower Competition

Despite mobile’s popularity, the mobile world has not been saturated yet. It makes competition in mobile affiliate marketing low in comparison with desktop affiliate marketing. So, mobile could be feasible for you.

More Targeted Offers

You can narrow your offers according to keywords, target’s location, language, device type etc. Better targeting means more conversions and more money.

Easy Conversions

Just one click or two clicks at most are enough for seamless subscriptions.

Global Scale

You can find mobile content offers in lots of geos. Carrier traffic can be very cheap in some of these countries such as LATAM and Asia that are growing currently.


Lack Of Guides & Tools

Promoting mobile offers is not as easy as promoting web affiliate offers. The reason is because there are fewer guides online which shows you strategies to make it in mobile. And most marketing tools are designed for desktop audiences.

Design Challenges

Anyone can explain how to create a well-designed desktop website, but fewer has an idea what a mobile website should look like. There is no approved guide.

Development Challenges

As lack of guides for mobile affiliate marketing, there is lack of development tools for developing a mobile app. You can find premade templates for a desktop web, but there is no WordPress theme or HTML template equivalent for mobile apps, yet.

