Understanding The Mobile Customer Journey

GO Trace
4 min readApr 19, 2018


Either for mobile affiliate marketing or not, you need to understand the customer journey on mobile. You all know, mobile is a vital part of any marketing activity. According to survey, conducted by Google, only 26% of people are going online on their desktop computer more than their smartphone. In the same survey, the answers said that 81% of customers say they use a computer while making a purchase. It demonstrates the need to understand the journey of mobile users.

It doesn’t matter how users reach your mobile website or app; through affiliate marketing or organic channels. You need to adapt the steps below into your mobile marketing strategies.

Optimize Your Mobile Experience

Customer journey starts with the micro moments which are reflexive moments leading customers to turn to their devices for learning, doing, watching or buying something.

Let’s assume David finds hotel prices very high and decides to make a camp. He picks up his smartphone and begins searching how to make a camp for the first time, the equipment needed for camping, the places suitable for camping. If you are a sporting goods retailer, how can you gain this man? It is about the understanding of triggers and motivations and taking actions accordingly. You should be there when they seek a solution about their needs or demands.

There are three gems to generate successful leads through mobile:

Be Present: Be invisible for the most relevant searches for your products

Be Informative: Offer fulfilling information to build a relationship and help the decision-making process

Be Fast: Load your pages at speed of light

Customer Journey Through Mobile

You need to understand the customer journey to offer a seamless mobile experience at any time. In bold outline, understand triggers, use customer insights, provide engaging content and be fast.

Motive Development

In this stage, user decides to search for a solution. Your job is here to influence them. It can be either paid or organic ways.

Through paid channels, you can offer tailored ads that target customer habits or interests. For example, as you know Facebook is the most used social platform. You can benefit from Facebook by giving ads and encourage users to click.

Through organic channels, you can produce inspirational, engaging and informative content to capture their attention and develop motive. While producing content, don’t forget you do it for mobile; image dimension, readability content on mobile etc.


At this stage, users start to research a solution or information. They keep on looking for until they find as much information as possible. Your duty is to create content about their problems or needs as much as possible to position yourself as solution provider. Then you can take paid steps or continue organically. With PPC, you can be at the top of the search especially for generic terms while users are in the research phase.

According to statistics, 61% of people are using a search engine weekly on their mobile phones. So, never give up producing content by considering users’ potential triggers.


Now, it is time to evaluate solutions for users. They compare and contrast opinions and evidences. While 34% of people look for product information weekly on their mobile phones, 32% of people compare products, prices and features.

If your content clearly communicates the benefits and features of your products or offers related information in a clear way, you win! Beside producing powerful and informative contents, you can benefit from the power of PPC as well as your contents and outreach. PPC reminds them they viewed your page, while for example looking for sunglasses. And outreach tactics produce trust signals around your brand.


Users are about to make a decision before purchase. How informative and useful content you have determines the engagement level. Users look for delivery information, size guide, price advantage, clear and informative content. By satisfying users in these regards, your product stands out and is chosen from the crowd.


To be chosen among crowd doesn’t mean you achieve your goal. A smooth and straightforward purchase process is a significant factor. You let users be able to process in a clear way without any issues or disruptions. It includes clear instructions, eye-catching buttons and makes users confident with purchase.

20% of people make purchases weekly on a mobile device. It is a huge data. So, focus on improving your purchase process or the last step that turns into conversion if needed.


Once purchase has been made, user would want to see a confirmation note or email and the statue of the purchase. These kinds of actions are important for further opportunity. Also, you can send an email about how they can best use their purchased product or send an email including related products. Also, you can remind the same product by forecasting the time they re-need it.

All of these actions help you generate higher conversions and sales.

