Common fears and mistakes when it comes to outsourcing IT projects

How to avoid the traditional pitfalls of outsourcing

Published in
3 min readMar 5, 2018


Looking into our clients’ history enabled to have a better understanding of the fear of outsourcing some of them can face. Like many others, they’ve been outsourcing their IT projects in the past. Choosing the right outsourcing partner can be overwhelming. They all define themselves as full-stack developers, they all claim they are the best in the industry, until the day of delivery and its shares of — bad — surprises.

Talking to our clients and partners enabled us to spot that many companies lose time and opportunities because of the fear of outsourcing, and choose then a less innovative path, to make sure not to waste money and resources. However, despite a few horror stories, related to outsourcing, they are also quite a few great and inspiring success stories of apps built thanks to A-level outsourcing partners.

When it comes to IT outsourcing, you must integrate into your outsourcing strategy a balanced approach, enabling you to globally manage the IT operations. Such an approach is essential to keep a keen eye on each step of the process to ensure final success and the long-term viability of your project.

Today we embark you on a journey to understand the classical fears product owners can face while outsourcing but also how to avoid them and to make sure you will pick the right outsourcing partner, able to deliver an A-level product.

The Common Failure Points

Miscommunication issues and cultural differences in doing business lead to terrible outsourcing failures. Discussing with our client enabled us to pinpoint many technical shortcomings that could have been avoiding with a better communication flow between the involved parties.
That is why it’s important to make sure to select an outsourcing partners with relevant international experience as well as a compelling experience within your industry, to ensure that your partner will be able to predict and understand the particular challenges you are facing with this new project.

Due Diligence Investigations

Get a complete grasp of your partner profile, from the technical skills gathered into the team to their business approach and the projects they conducted in the past. From investigations on the company profile ( how international is the company, who are the developers, what is their field of specialisation) to clients testimonials and the past projects they built, it’s vital to gain precise knowledge on the company you are considering to bring your project to life. Make sure you only select a partner with compelling experience and expertise but also with positive testimonials from former clients as well as an international approach, which will avoid you costly miscommunication issues due to cultural differences.

Safety First

You finally picked up your development partner, and you are almost ready to start. Now another problem could arise: how to ensure the safety of the code you are purchasing, and how to reassure your partner they will be somewhat paid? To avoid risky operations, we recommend working with a Code Escrow Solution, enabling safety of code storage and payments. The Escrow Solution will prevent both parties the stress and hassle of late payments and deliveries.

What are your fears when it comes to outsourcing your IT projects? Share them in the comment section below or send us an email

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