Day 2 — The Crypto Community All Together in Manhattan

GSX Group
4 min readMay 16, 2018


The second day at Consensus was just as fast-paced and energetic as the first. There are so many people to meet and businesses to see visit at the event, you can be forgiven for getting lost in the medley, with no let up in attendance.

Although I have attended previous events at Consensus, the size and scale always amazes me — a perfect fit for New York City.

I managed to spend some time at the Wachsman booth — it was good to see David Wachsman in the thick of it. All the staff at Wachsman were busy and hard at work, but it’s always great to see these friendly faces in New York.

Kayla from Wachsman (Left), Philip Young (Right)

Another day, another opportunity to meet some incredible people. Events like these always bring together inspiring individuals — nowhere else do you get the opportunity to meet them.

Shernika Connor (Left) from Anguilla Finance, Philip Young (Right)

It was an honour to meet Shernika Connor, deputy CEO of Anguilla Finance. We discussed the Gibraltar DLT regulatory framework.

It is great to see the continued enthusiasm attendees have for Gibraltar. The Gibraltar Government and local firms have embraced this growing industry, with the Hon. Albert Isola, Minister for Commerce — HM Government of Gibraltar, being interviewed by Nasdaq #Tradetalk to talk about the jurisdiction.

Jeff Steward (Left) from Urgent VC, Philip Young (Right)

I sat down with Jeff Stewart of Urgent VC. We discussed our shared vision to solve the SME capital market problem. We talked of the IPO system being broken, but at the same time, of the possible solutions that lie with tokenised securities.

BJ Jun (Left) and Mike Noh (Right) from Décentré, Philip Young (Center)

It is incredible how events like Consensus bring people from all over the world to one place to discuss a shared passion — I met up with Mike Noh and BJ Jun of Décentré, all the way from South Korea!

Grant Blaisdell (Left) from Coinfirm, Philip Young (Right)

I caught up with Grant Blaisdell, co-founder and CMO of Coinfirm, outside the Consensus event. Grant and Coinfirm are aligned with the GBX vision — they are aiming to set the highest standards within their field of KYC and AML for token sales and cryptocurrency, sharing the GBX’s goal of institutional-grade token sales through good governance and best practices.

Philip Young (Left), Ada Vaughan (Right) from BRD

The day concluded with a productive meeting with Ada Vaughan, Exec Director of Business Development of BRD.

Another fantastic day at the Consensus event — the response and interest in the GBX has been overwhelming. Our story and jurisdiction is making waves across the globe.

There aren’t enough hours in the day to meet everyone I would like to, but if you are attending and would like to meet up, please let us know — it would be great to see you.

Until next time, keep on ROCKing,
Philip Young — Marketing & Business Development Director

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GSX Group

The GSX Group brings together our expanding network of companies: GSX, Juno Services, Global Blockchain exchange, and BIC.