European Commerce Registers Forum: Gibraltar

GSX Group
3 min readJun 15, 2018


This year, the European Commerce Registers Forum (ECRF) was held at the University of Gibraltar, titled ‘The Challenges of Digital Technology.’ It was the 21st conference of its kind, which brought together 130 delegates from all over the world, including New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore and the United States of America.

Professor Daniella Tilbury, Vice-Chancellor and CEO of The University of Gibraltar, gave a short introduction before the event’s proceedings. Prof. Tilbury highlighted the new and exciting opportunities being embraced by Gibraltar, and the University, in areas of technology and fintech.

Digital Revolution
Starting the morning session, Mr Vito Giannella, the ECRF President highlighted that we were in the midst of a digital revolution, reminding the delegates of the shared history and challenges all registrars faced due to advances in technology, a challenge they welcomed.

Nick Cowan, the CEO of the GSX Group which operates the Gibraltar Stock Exchange (GSX) and the Gibraltar Blockchain Exchange (GBX), was invited to speak at the event in the session entitled ‘Cryptocurrencies, ITOs, ICOs.’

Nick was first to speak in the morning sessions which included presentations from Mr Russell Perry, CEO of 360 Kompany from Austria and Mr Stephen Reyes, Managing Partner at Deloitte Gibraltar/UK.

Nick gave the audience a snapshot of the power and potential of blockchain technology as an evolutionary technical step forward. Nick said: “In 35 years of work in financial services, I have never witnessed such an exciting time,” highlighting the accessibility and speed in which startups can gain access to levels of funding never previously experienced before.

Gibraltar at the Forefront

With that technological accessibility, Nick explained to the international attendees the benefits of a jurisdiction like Gibraltar which has become a world-leading blockchain and fintech hub. Nick described how Gibraltar has embraced fintech culture in the government, regulator and private sector, making Gibraltar very accessible. Mr Perry from Kompany also supported Nick’s comments in his presentation by saying: “Gibraltar is at the forefront of the crypto economies.”

Along with the overview of blockchain and token sales, Nick told the Registrars Forum about the work of GBX aiming to build a world-leading, institutional-grade token sale platform: The GBX Grid and Digital Asset Exchange.

Nick and the GBX team would like to thank Bruno de Greysier, the event organisers and Companies House Gibraltar for the invitation. The event was live streamed and can be found on the ECRF’s Gibraltar facebook page.

To find out more about GBX, visit:
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GSX Group

The GSX Group brings together our expanding network of companies: GSX, Juno Services, Global Blockchain exchange, and BIC.