Robert Harris quoting Winston Churchill on Theresa May

Guy Spier
Guy Spier
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2017


This is not so much an article as it is, simply a short writeup to amplify some really good writing.

The end of his article on Theresa May and the parlous state of British politics, Robert Harris writes:

How did a stable, prosperous parliamentary democracy, granted a unique set of favourable opt-outs with the largest trading bloc in the world, including on the single currency and travel, throw it all up in the air on the basis of a 52–48 yes/no vote in a referendum — a margin not normally wide enough to change the constitution of the average golf club?

And then, to end the piece he continues:

What arrogance of intellect, what frivolousness of character, led our leaders to take such a gamble? Why did the Tory party rush to choose such an ill-equipped successor? Why did that successor, a “remainer” herself, not seek to bind up our divided nation rather than opt for the harshest of all Brexit positions? Why did she call an election after, rather than before, triggering article 50 and so deny the country a final say on its destiny?

A Bad Leader must be poleaxed.

Excellent, excellent writing. Poignancy and pithiness at it’s best. Thank you Robert.

