5 top reasons to attend DEVit 2017

Georgia Tsiamanta
4 min readApr 26, 2017


The DEVit Conference is on it’s way. In less than a month hundreds of web and mobile developers, students, coding enthusiasts and tech geeks will gather together to this extraordinary technology feast in Thessaloniki.

You’ve heard already a lot about it, your friends are sharing the news all over social media, you even thought of buying a ticket, but you are not quite convinced? I can only tell you that you have to be there and here is why!

Attend the talks of our top-tier international speakers

You get to meet people who exceed at what they do and have a great expertise to share with us. You’ll learn more about iOS, Swift, CSS and Sass, Node.js, Redis, ElasticSearch, Amazon Web Services, Machine Learning, UX prototyping and testing and lots more.

It’s possible that you are already an expert in some of this areas. Good for you! You’ll learn how other people work and you can adopt those new techniques at your daily work.

In case you are not a very experienced developer, there is no reason to feel intimidated by all these new and difficult terms. You’ll get to know how other experienced people work, what tools they use and how they structure their work. You already have some understanding in tech, so you’ll get all this new information, make some research about it and believe me the “Aha moment” is around the corner!

Talk to the speakers

Go and talk to the speakers, you only have to benefit from their experience and expertise. The past 2 years I have noticed that the attendees hesitated to talk in person to the speakers. Let’s change that this year! Go and engage with them, even if you are not a guru at the topic they are experts in. Just ask them to recommend a book to start with, or some online resources, connect with them on Twitter or LinkedIn and built a relationship by talking about tech topics with them. Remember, they are people just like you, that seek for some geeky conversation.

Talk to the sponsors

This year’s sponsors are once again some of the most awesome international and Greek companies with international focus. Get to know the people working for them and learn more about their products, the tools and technologies they use, their needs. Connect with these people to find out more about their future openings. Ask them about the hiring procedure, and what would make you a competitive candidate. Discuss your background and find out if you could be a possible fit for them. It’s always important to have a chat with someone working for a company before applying, you can be prepared and increase your chances to get hired.

Talk to the person sitting next to you

Yes, I know, you attend DEVit with your friends and colleagues, and you feel comfortable being among your peers. So now leave your comfort zone and get to know the rest of the hundreds of people that are also attending DEVit this year. They may be your next boss, your next colleges, or your next co-founder to this brilliant idea you have already started working at. They are also dying to talk about tech, their everyday problems at work, the challenges they face every day.

I always enjoy meeting people from the tech industry, it makes me realize that we all struggle with the same problems. So I don’t feel so lonely every time I look at a difficult problem and feel completely clueless about how to solve it. Moreover, I can ask my new friends for help.

Educate yourself - learn learn learn

Spoiler alert: you don’t know everything!

You may think you are a ninja, expert, one in a life time developer, but that can’t be true. Lucky us technology, tools, languages and the way we write code changes so rapidly, that you can never rest. You have to keep learning, everyday, every time you sit on your computer.

Good news, you can benefit and use DEVit Conference to educate yourself. Beyond the very interesting talks you have to take a look at the extra intense all-day workshops that are taking place during DEVit. Dive into the most cutting-edge topics like scaling with AWS, improve your web application’s performance or get some hands-on experience with emerging technologies for the web platform. There are also some shorter open workshops available, attend them and learn from the best!

Book you ticket now: http://devitconf.org/

