Darkest Dungeon 2 — Less Dungeons, More Darkness

An Insane Roadtrip

Josh Bycer


Darkest Dungeon is one of the most highly praised games of the past decade. It cemented Redhook Studios in the indie space and was both a Kickstarter and early access success. When news broke of a sequel, fans were waiting in line to get their dungeon crawling on, but Redhook decided to do something different. For the sequel, we have a game that feels like a soft reboot, with very hard difficulty spikes, which leaves us with a follow-up that may not appeal at all to fans of the original.

On the Road Again

Our story is that the world as we know it is teetering on the edge of madness. Something has gone horribly wrong — society has broken down, monsters roam the world, and everyone who is left is either insane or on the verge of dying. We are no longer fixed to an estate, but we must roam what remains of the world to find the forces that threaten us all and stop them before it is too late.

From the get-go, Darkest Dungeon 2 features an impressive graphical update, which to a series that already looked fantastic is saying something. Using 3D, shading, and more animation, characters and enemies alike have far more personality, or are far more disturbing in the enemy’s case.



Josh Bycer

Josh Bycer is the owner of Game-Wisdom and specializes in examining the art and science of games. He has over seven years of experience discussing game design.