Dredge is a Relaxing Take on Horror

Josh Bycer
3 min readMay 22, 2023

Fishing Fiends

Dredge is one of those concepts that comes from the ever-popular mix of something + horror = game we see from indie developers. One part horror game, and a peaceful fishing adventure. While the game doesn’t quite reach for huge highs, it is a surprisingly cozy game with a concept I would like to see more of.

Wicked Seas

We play as a fishing boat captain who has come to an area hoping for a new start as the local fisherman. When their ship runs into rocks, we are left with the town’s loaner ship to go out there and start earning money… and trying not to be out during night.

The basics of this game revolve around fishing at various spots to catch and then sell said fish at the local port. This will eventually pay off your tab and allow you to buy upgrades and new parts. Each depth you can fish at has a different mini-game for catching. Eventually, you’ll gain the ability to dredge spots for resources that can be used to permanently upgrade your boat in different ways.

And if you just want to play the game like that, there is a peaceful time waiting for you, but just like the ocean itself, there are some hidden depths to uncover.

Stormy Weathers



Josh Bycer

Josh Bycer is the owner of Game-Wisdom and specializes in examining the art and science of games. He has over seven years of experience discussing game design.