2 min readJun 28, 2017


It’s been 3 years actually. And again to me you give Phil credit for things you shouldn’t give him credit for. Phil didn’t just “give” Melo a no trade clause, Melo agreed to take less than the max to help the team financially so Phil agreed to give him that clause it wasn’t like Phil just generously gave him that clause to be nice.

In regards to KP pulling divas moves…the NBA is a players league. Phil is one of the greatest coaches ever…but his skill was never the X’s and O’s it was player/ego management (which ironically he is doing an extremely poor job of now) and him having some of the greatest players in NBA history is the BIGGEST reason he is an 11 time championship winning coach. Please understand Phil was important but the biggest reason he has 11 rings is MJ, Scottie, Kobe, Shaq and Pau. You’re criticizing KP but Phil gets a pass for the CONSTANT shots he throws at people?

In terms of his moves, DRose was not a good move. He didn’t even really give them any cap space. The Knicks STILL can’t sign anybody because of the Noah deal. And he also gave a 30 year old Courtney Lee 50 mil over 4 years! When their best player was 20!

Phils best decision was drafting KP. He gets credit for that…but he made a move that any GM would/could have made in his position! He made a good draft pick! Phils was brought in to change the culture of NY instead he has alienated their best players and stubbornly stuck with the Triangle even though his players and coaches don’t want to run it and hon top of that he’s been a bad GM. He deserves to get the boot.

