GXS Project Development Progress Report Oct 10 - 16th

REI Network
1 min readOct 17, 2017


•GXS loyalty program* development, under testing.
•System memory allocation optimized.

•UI added for unlock miner balance, will launch this week.

Data exchange box:
•Log management function added.
•Console module added, realizing account setup, visualization, log check and visualization.
•IPFS multi-node fallback supplied.

Mobile Wallet**:
•iOS/Android/mobile browser supported basic framework setup: Achieved!
•Graphic development: 50% finished.

Basic framework setup finished, we currently focus on developing mobile wallet, DApp will follow up afterwards.

In addition, we are rewriting project whitepaper, which will be finished in 2 weeks. We are going to update above news at Twitter, Telegram, Steemit, slack and other social media.

*GXS loyalty program: for users who hold their GXS token for long time. It’s simple to attend, just transferring/keeping GXS in your wallet instead of exchange, and choose “Attend Loyalty Program”, the amount of GXS, and time for lock. After maturity, the locked GXS will be unlock, with the rewarded GXS. This program will be launched at the beginning of November. The funding of rewarded GXS is from GXS foundation. In the future, GXS foundation will put more GXS for operations and community developments.

We have not add mobile wallet code to Github, and will add to it after the development nearly finish. You are welcomed to attend testing and contribute your code/knowledge.

Official website: https://gxs.gxb.io/en/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gongxinbao

Slack: https://gxshares.herokuapp.com/

Telegram: https://t.me/GXB_International

Github: https://github.com/gxchain

GXChain explorer: https://block.gxb.io/



REI Network

REI Network is a lightweight, EVM-compatible, high-performance, and gas-free public chain.