GXChain Projects Progress Report Oct 11th- Oct 23rd

REI Network
3 min readOct 24, 2018


Products Development


• Finishes research of multiple programming language support.
• Optimizes APIs and bug fixes
• Adds more smart-contract templets.


• Whitepaper study campaign is live.
• Adds supports for peer to peer transfer for Blockcity Wallet.
• Finishes development of mini-app client.
• Adds mini-app showtime.
• Launches customer services.
• Improves login verification.


• Interfaces optimization.
• Upgrades websocket module and improving its stability.

GXChain Community

• Launches English version of gxchain.org.
• des-sdk-python adds Python2 support

Operations and Marketing

• Minqiang Huang, Founder and CEO of GXChain was invited to Tokenclub and Lianma Finance to discuss our strategies for data economy dilemma.
• Minqiang Huang, Founder and CEO of GXChain attend value100 public course and introduce GXChain whitepaper 3.0.
• Released cartoon: “one page to understand GXChain”.
• Yunpeng Ding, Director of Global Affairs of GXChain, participated in North America Blockchain Week.
• Minqiang Huang, Founder and CEO of GXChain, leads his team and won Huobi leader competition. GXChain will collaborate with Huobi extensively to develop Huobi public blockchain.
• Apps that developing at Blockcity sandbox reached 230, with 6 of them launched already.
• We release our North America Ambassadors, which could promote the consensus expanding globally.
• Oct 18th, Yunpeng Ding, Director of Global Affairs of GXChain, participated in Huoxing blockchain summit at New York.
• Oct 19th, Liyu Wu, Product Director of GXChain, introduced “how to effectively develop apps at Blockcity” at GXChain developer community.
• GXChain was invited to 2018 Hangzhou bay forum, which holds by Government of Hangzhou, with the topic of “The connection of Fintech and future”.
• GXChain was invited to IPFS/DIS distributed VC summit and participated in the discussion the benefit and application of IPFS technology. GXChain has already made many achievements in this field.
• GXChain was invited to Battle World Blockchain gaming summit.

GXChain Academy

GXChain Virtual Machine: is the environment for GXChain smart contracts, the first version will support EOS smart contract based on WebAssembly.

Data Exchange Service(DES): is a service for data exchange, based on GXChain. DES support smart contract, which supports tri-party agreement for bookkeeping, and a peer to peer data exchange protocol based on IPFS.

Blockchain as a Service(BaaS): encapsulation a lot blockchain system API to provide simple and handy service.

GXChain BaaS: Smart contract services on GXChain, including triple-entry bookkeeping, data storage, and proof of existence, which could apply for copyright registration, electronic proof of existence, etc. This technology combines the advantages of data storage capability of IPFS and high-throughput capability of GXChain.

Blockcity Pay: supports all cryptocurrency in Blockcity as a payment for services.

Find Us:

Website: gxs.gxb.io/en/
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/GXS/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GXChain/
Twitter: twitter.com/gongxinbao
Medium: https://medium.com/@GXS
Telegram: t.me/GXB_International
Github: github.com/gxchain/
Block Explorer: block.gxb.io/#/
GXS Trading platforms: https://medium.com/@gongxinbao/marketplace-to-trade-gxs-march-20th-2018-f27926110824



REI Network

REI Network is a lightweight, EVM-compatible, high-performance, and gas-free public chain.