GXChain Starts the Second Round of Buy-back with 500,000 dollars Today

REI Network
3 min readJun 10, 2019


Dear GXChainers,

The second round of buy-back will be conducted today, 40% of the repurchased GXC will be completed by LongBit.

GXChain will complete the second round of buy-back today, with the amount of 500,000 USDT, twice of the first round.

The subsequent GXC repurchase program will continue and be completed within two months, with a further $4.25 million available for buy-back. All the GXC repurchased in the secondary market will be deposited in the public address: gxc-buy-back

40% of the GXC buy-back amount in this round will be conducted in LongBit, contributing to the rapid development of LongBit. LongBit has access to the depth of trading on first-tier exchanges such as huobi and is currently one of the most liquid exchanges on and off GXC.

In the future, we will also announce the progress of the buyback on twitter, weibo and other social media.

LongBit has access to the depth of trading on first-tier exchanges such as huobin and is currently one of the most liquid exchanges on and off GXC.

In the future, we will also announce the progress of the buy-back on twitter, weibo and other social media.

About LongBit

LongBit, a cryptocurrency exchange that GXChain invested, issued its platform coin subscription rules

1. Participation Qualification: All KYC certified users are qualified to participate in a limit amount of exchange;

2. Exchanging Policies

Users submit limit buy orders within the quota range. At the end of the trading time, the system will match the purchases one by one for all the purchase orders. Match-by-single matching will be completed within 5 minutes of the end of the round. If the amount of redemption exceeds the total limit, the user expects the volume to be calculated as follows:

Estimated volume = user open orders / current rounds of all users open orders * total number of rounds

3. Personal Cap: Personal cap limitation will be 60,000 LBP (about 2400 USDT), and the upper limitation can be increased by inviting others.

4. Schedules:

The first round of playing a new round through GXC is “welfare round”, which is 50% lower than the last round

As LongBit platform coin, LBP carried out strategic swap of common securities with many well-known exchanges. This part of common securities was not in circulation for two years, and the estimated price of LBP swap was 0.32USDT/ piece.

Everyone can participate, and the larger the number of subscriptions, the greater the share available.

Inviting friends can increase the amount, and the more friends you invite, the higher the amount you get

GXChain Core Team




REI Network

REI Network is a lightweight, EVM-compatible, high-performance, and gas-free public chain.