GXChain Trusted Computing Was Reported by Reuters What Are the Possibilities of GXChain with Libra?

REI Network
REI Network Project
4 min readJun 24, 2019

The GXChain Trusted Computing White Paper released, the 500W+ US dollar Buy-back program launched, and listed on the world’s largest cloud platform Amazon AWS, past few months have witnessed our remarkable and constant breakthroughs, not only attracting continuous coverage of the media in the circle, but also the world’s top media Reuters is concerned about this rising Blockchain star project.

Reuters is one of the world’s first news agencies and listed news group. It is also the largest news agency in the UK and the world’s most influential TOP3 multimedia news agency. It provides all kinds of news reports and financial data 24 hours a day, in 128 cases. The country is running.

Reuters published a special report entitled “GXChain is Leading to Explosion in Blockchain-based Trusted Computing Business” yesterday. The report highlights a series of views of GXChain CEO MQ Huang at the Trusted Computing Business Seminar, including:

Big data business faces serious legal and privacy protection challenges, and trusted computing will be the solution to balance them Blockchain + Trusted Computing will create three new advantages:

1. Strong Neutrality: With decentralized nodes, blockchain computing can remove the trust barriers between data cooperation by ensuring that the platform cannot steal users’ data.

2. High Compliance: The blockchain can eliminate legal questions about data sharing by ensuring that all users can easily understand and confirm their data rights and compliance agreements.

3. Low Business Cost: The blockchain offers transparent assets and open accounts, which can wipe out questions of trust in business cooperation and benefit distribution, thus ensuring expenditure, income and profit transparency via settlements with open, clear and transparent accounts.

Only 10% of the 18 ZB of global total data in 2018 is used for data exchange calculations. The global digital economy is currently worth $14 trillion and is not supported by trusted computing. It will grow by 8% annually over the next five years and will grow to a commercial scale of 23 trillion. With the introduction of trusted computing, the size of the global data economy will increase from $23 trillion to $70 trillion.

In the report, Reuters also linked Libra and GXChain, the stable coin project initiated by the global Internet giant Facebook.

“Therefore, trusted computing caters to the common needs of modern global business: neutrality, low legal risk, data added value and prevention of leakage. At the same time, Facebook entered the cryptocurrency field by launching the Libra. Libra will be used as an intermediary for the transmission of traditional currencies. There is no doubt that the GXChain team will deploy a trusted computing protocol on Facebook’s Libra and support the liquidation between their companies through Libra as a stable currency.”

In fact, this report by Reuters only reveal that GXChain’s trusted computing products and the future business possibilities of the Libra network. In addition to the rapid advancement of the main chain services and the construction of the community, GXChain will quickly expand worldwide in the future:

  • The Trusted Computing Protocol will introduce Libra Stabilized Coin as one of the settlement methods to help GXChain’s trusted computing protocols reach out and reach out to potential business partners around the world. From a technical point of view, both the Trusted Computing Protocol network and Libra have a deterministic consistency algorithm that can be used to introduce Libra stable currency into the network in a cross-chain manner, and will also introduce business partners from around the world.
  • At present, Libra initiated by facebook still has difficulties in entering China. GXChain, which has millions of blockchain users, can supply their missing KYC and identity information through their own G-ID. Users on GXChain have the unique digital identities to manage their own KYC information and important identity tags. Once these users have the need to use financial services on Libra, GXChain’s trusted data exchange and the Trusted Computing Protocol will help users to obtain their digital identity in the Libra ecosystem.
  • Opening global cross-border payment settlement is only Libra’s first task. Global data opening and computing is a more valuable business opportunity. GXChain’s trusted computing protocol (TCP) will help Libra provide blockchain-based data business solutions, which's planning to avoid the recurrence of Facebook’s past data breaches.

We believe that the release of the Libra white paper, looking back many years later, must be a milestone in the development of the blockchain.
A global digital economy empire may have been born, and the huge business opportunities that belong to GXChain and Trusted Computing are quietly coming.

Click to read the original report of Reuters



REI Network
REI Network Project

REI Network is a lightweight, EVM-compatible, high-performance, and gas-free public chain.