GXS Projects Progress Report July 31st -Aug 6th

REI Network
2 min readAug 7, 2018


Products Development


GXChain smart contracts are under final test, we will launch it to the GXChain test-net.
• Adds timeout limit for abi sequence.
• example for GXChain gift card.
• Adds get_asset_count API for witness_node.
• Bug fixes.

Blockcity & GXS wallets

• UI updates and adds more options for the GUI.
• Optimizes app loading resource.
• New Blockcity website launched.

Developer Platform

The platform could greatly reduce the difficulty of app development for Blockcity, will launch this week. https://developer.gxb.io
• Adds bind Blockcity account function.
• Optimizes frontend codes.

Business Development & Operations

• The population at Blockcity passed 2 Million.
• July 31st- Aug 2nd, GXChain teams are invited to New York City for 2nd Annual Fintech Week. Overseas Community Manager, Alex is presenting our recent progress, “CBD” business model, and GXChain ecosystem.
• August 2nd, GXChain team were invited to “decrypt business unicorn” and presented our recent progress and future operations plan to the attendee.
• August 3rd, GXChain attended Lianchaguan community conference at Shanghai, presenting gaming development potentials on GXChain.

Blockcity Academy

GXChain Virtual Machine: is the environment for GXChain smart contracts, the first version will support EOS smart contract based on WebAssembly.

Data Exchange Service(DES): is a service for data exchange, based on GXChain. DES support smart contract, which supports tri-party agreement for bookkeeping, and a peer to peer data exchange protocol based on IPFS.

Blockchain as a Service(BaaS): encapsulation a lot blockchain system API to provide simple and handy service.

GXChain BaaS: Smart contract services on GXChain, including triple-entry bookkeeping, data storage, and proof of existence, which could apply for copyright registration, electronic proof of existence, etc. This technology combines the advantages of data storage capability of IPFS and high-throughput capability of GXChain.

Blockcity Pay: supports all cryptocurrency in Blockcity as a payment for services.

Team of GXChain

Website: gxs.gxb.io/en/
Forum: forum.gxb.io
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GXChain/
Twitter: twitter.com/gongxinbao
Medium: https://medium.com/@GXS
Telegram: t.me/GXB_International
Github: github.com/gxchain/
Block Explorer: block.gxb.io/#/
GXS Trading platforms: https://medium.com/@gongxinbao/marketplace-to-trade-gxs-march-20th-2018-f27926110824



REI Network

REI Network is a lightweight, EVM-compatible, high-performance, and gas-free public chain.