GXS Projects Progress Report June. 26th –July. 2nd

REI Network
2 min readJul 3, 2018


Products development


• Finishes coding for cross contract functions.
• Finishes the track and statistics of CPU time on smart contract.
• Optimizes P2P modules.
• Optimizes smart contract packing and compiling functions.

Blockcity & GXS wallets

• Launches distributed cache to further improve user experience.
• Improves user interface.
• Adds customizable asset display

Platform Development

The developer platform will greatly facilitate app development on GXChain. https://developer.gxb.io
• Blockchain as a Service(BaaS) SDK now open source, one can check at GitHub.
Java: https://github.com/gxchain/baas-sdk;
PHP(beta): https://github.com/xzshinan/baas-sdk-php

• SDK and Demo of DES now open source:
Java: https://github.com/gxchain/des-sdk
demo(Java): https://github.com/gxchain/des-demo
NodeJS: https://github.com/gxchain/des-sdk-node

Business Development & Operations

• The population at Blockcity passed 1.7 Million.
• Coinget project is doing a marketing campaign with GXS, users will be rewarded in a total of 150 GXS every day.
• LendChain is now live at Blockcity, users can invest with their GXS, BTC, and USDT for up to 30% annual percentage yield.
• Vincent Huang, Founder and CEO of GXChain, participated open online blockchain/crypto debate hold by http://www.chaindd.com/, introduce GXChain business model with sophisticated practitioners in the blockchain field.
• Yan Li, CEO of GXC Foundation LTD, attended BLOCKCO+ at Tokyo, Japan. She made a vivid presentation and introduced the business model of GXChain to more developers. One can find the interview at https://block-clip.com/videos/detail/360

• GXChain developers were invited to “Development of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Conference” hold by Bank of Hangzhou, zcblockchain, and Beijing mobile financial alliance.

Blockcity Academy

GXChain Virtual Machine: is the environment for GXChain smart contracts, the first version will support EOS smart contract based on WebAssembly.

Data Exchange Service(DES): is a service for data exchange, based on GXChain. DES support smart contract, which supports tri-party agreement for bookkeeping, and a peer to peer data exchange protocol based on IPFS.

Blockchain as a Service(BaaS): encapsulation a lot blockchain system API to provide simple and handy service.

GXChain BaaS: Smart contract services on GXChain, including triple-entry bookkeeping, data storage, and proof of existence, which could apply for copyright registration, electronic proof of existence, etc. This technology combines the advantages of data storage capability of IPFS and high-throughput capability of GXChain.

Blockcity Pay: support all cryptocurrency in Blockcity as a payment for services.

Team of GXChain

Website: gxs.gxb.io/en/
Forum: forum.gxb.io
Twitter: twitter.com/gongxinbao
Medium: https://medium.com/@GXS
Telegram: t.me/GXB_International
Github: github.com/gxchain/
Block Explorer: block.gxb.io/#/
GXS Trading platforms: https://medium.com/@gongxinbao/marketplace-to-trade-gxs-march-20th-2018-f27926110824



REI Network

REI Network is a lightweight, EVM-compatible, high-performance, and gas-free public chain.