GXS Projects Progress Report May. 29th– June.4th

REI Network
2 min readJun 6, 2018


Products development


• GXChain virtual machine under active development.
• Finishes smart contract packages and libraries.
• Upgrades system dependents and fc kits, now support boost 1.67.

Blockcity & GXS wallets

• The new version now available at the app store, optimizes WeChat sharing, payment, and other functions.
• More companies are adopting GID service.

Platform Development

GXChain developer platform will greatly facilitate and reduce the barrier to app development on GXChain.
• Launches developer platform and integrates original merchant platform. We will integrate more services for companies and developers.
• Blockchain as a Service(BaaS) SDK now open source, one can check at GitHub. https://github.com/gxchain/baas-sdk
• SDK and Demo of DES now open source:
https://github.com/gxchain/des-demo; https://github.com/gxchain/des-sdk-node; https://github.com/gxchain/des-sdk

Business & Community Development

• Blockcity users passed 1.6 Million.
• We hold GXS data exchange upgrade conference on May 29th, Our founders and business director made a presentation for the update, more than 60 representatives attend this meeting.

• GXChain build collaboration with Bitpie Wallet, which currently supports BTC, ETH, ZCASH, EOS, QTUM, and LTC, they are going to support GXS.
• Blockcity dApp Prophet finished the open test, more than 500K blockcity users participated in the test.
• Lucia token(LV) is minable at blockcity. Lucia is an apartment/house renting project based on GXChain.
• Blockcity dApp Moneyhorse starts the open test, more than 470K blockcity users participated in the test.
• Hongxiang Lan, Blockchain Director of GXChain, attent MC Talk at Netease and shared business model of GXChain.
• Vincent Huang, Founder and CEO of GXChain was invited to Fusion Capital and shared our strategy to deal with GDPR.

GXChain Academy

•GXChain Virtual Machine: is the virtual machine for smart contracts on GXChain, will support major smart contracts, the first one will be EOS project.

•Data Exchange Service(DES): is a service for data exchange, based on GXChain. DES support smart contract, which supports tri-party agreement for bookkeeping, and a peer to peer data exchange protocol based on IPFS.

•Blockchain as a Service(BaaS): encapsulation a lot blockchain system API to provide simple and handy service.

•GXChain BaaS: smart contract services on GXChain, including triple-entry bookkeeping, data storage, and proof of existence, which could apply for copyright registration, electronic proof of existence, etc. This technology combines the advantages of data storage capability of IPFS and high-throughput capability of GXChain.

•Blockcity Pay: support all cryptocurrency in Blockcity as a payment for services.

Team of GXChain

Website: gxs.gxb.io/en/
Forum: forum.gxb.io
Twitter: twitter.com/gongxinbao
Medium: https://medium.com/@GXS
Telegram: t.me/GXB_International
Github: github.com/gxchain/
Block Explorer: block.gxb.io/#/
GXS Trading platforms: https://medium.com/@gongxinbao/marketplace-to-trade-gxs-march-20th-2018-f27926110824



REI Network

REI Network is a lightweight, EVM-compatible, high-performance, and gas-free public chain.