Know How Long Does It Take To Learn Java

3 min readJun 4, 2022


Java has been one of the most popular programming languages and is one of the few that is not only object-oriented, but also concurrent. This makes it very useful, particularly for applications that require high performance and that need to run on limited hardware resources.

If you have decided to learn Java programming then you have made the right choice. Learning Java can be quite a daunting task at first, but if you know where to start it can be far easier than you think. With so much knowledge on the internet on this language, you need to know where to begin.

If you want to learn it but don’t know how long does it take to learn java then get ready because information in this blog is going to surprise you. Here we can tell you the exact time but we will give you an idea. This is because everyone has their own pace of learning things. Some learn things very slowly while others learn quickly.

Before we discuss the main part of how long it takes to learn java, we will tell you why it is good to learn java.

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Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Learn Java

1. Java’s popularity and high salary

2. Easy to Learn

3. It has a large community.

4. Java has an abundant API,

5. Java has multiple Open Source Libraries

6. Java has Powerful Development Tools

7. Free of Cost

8. Java is platform independent.

9. Java has great documentation support.

10. Java is Versatile

How Long Does It Take to Learn Java?

If you really want to learn Java programming language, you will require at least a year to progress from ground level to somebody who can build a whole Java program.

To become a Java software developer, you do not need a knowledge of mathematics or engineering. It doesn’t matter what your background is. You’ll need a lot of common sense, a logical mind, and the willingness to put in a lot of effort. The main determinant of how long it will take you to learn Java is what range you want to study it in and, more importantly, for what purpose.

If you want to learn Java to develop online apps, or if you want to learn Java to write desktop applications, or if you want to learn Java to design games, or if you want to learn Java to do anything else, you can do it. Programming is more than just learning a new language.

You can use this information for one month or at least 6 months. You must understand a few things, such as how to loop. While this can be learned later, it is suggested that you brush up on your basics first.

These looping constructions can make you loopy at first, so it’s best to get them out of the way as soon as possible. You can use any book or tutorial to develop your first Java application and play around with it.

You may not be interested in studying this section at first, but trust me when I say that once you do, it will be highly valuable to you. Encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and other fundamental aspects should all be thoroughly examined. Don’t merely memorize facts; put them into practice.

Syntax, data types, directory structures, important classes, some Java-specific notions, multi-threading, I/O, and so on should all be clarified. Only the language syntax changes; the concepts remain the same. Learning this would be a piece of cake for someone who has a good understanding of the previous two concepts. I’d say two weeks.

For a person with no prior programming experience, it is expected approximately 9 months to understand and write Java programs completely.

Final Words

We hope you enjoyed our blog about how long does it take to learn java. With this knowledge, we know that you can make the most of your time in the Java class by learning everything you can from your professor and from the books and resources you will have access to. The more you know, the more you will get out of the class. Thank you for reading and we hope you found our blog helpful!




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