5 Fundamentals to Becoming a WWE Superstar

Gregory Davis
1 min readOct 24, 2016


In the profession of sports entertainment, there is only one true commodity that towers over the rest, World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). Each and every year, several people try their luck at becoming a WWE superstar. Don’t believe me? Just look at all the YouTube tryout videos when you search 2015 WWE Tough Enough. With a very limited roster, becoming a WWE wrestler can be a dawning task, but with these five steps, you may just have what it takes to make it.

This infographic explains to WWE enthusiast five key steps needed to make it into the industry. After personally attending the Funking Conservatory Wrestling School in Ocala, Florida, I can personally attest to these steps as I myself went through the long and hard regiment of distiguishing myself as a superstar. With all the competition out there, the hardest task is to standout. But regardless of you weight and skill, these fundamentals will lead you towards the right direction.

Have any questions? Don’t forget to follow my on Twitter @G_Storm_D for more WWE content and expertise.



Gregory Davis

University of Florida public relations student, professional wrestling enthusiast, and former Funking Tag Team Champion.