Artem Gladkikh
3 min readFeb 17, 2016

Design for People or UI Revolution In The Making

Greetings, everyone! My name is Artem. I am a co-founder of startup analysis service

Our kind of activity dictates us the need to carry out a lot of a/b tests, as well as the need to follow the latest trends in development of both programming products and user interfaces. We have carried out quite a lot of different kinds of analysis and today we would like to share the results with you.


Nowadays we witness the outstanding boom of different web and mobile applications. Methods of development have become available to many people and anyone can test their luck in creating their own product. Ready-made frameworks and libraries simplify this task even more.

With a great number of different applications entering the market the amount of hours in a day remains the same and we can’t possibly analyze all those useful resources and programs that spring to life every day. Users spend less and less time on studying the possibilities of each product. And having a great number of amateurs at the market leads to having a great number of poorly designed interfaces. Together they cause a certain kind of cognitive resistance. A lot of users pay attention to the product which they consider useful for themselves and then they face a number of obstacles before they can get what they need.

Users make a decision to stay at your website in 6 seconds. What causes us to make our clients feel stupid?

As we already know from the book “The Inmates are Running the Asylum”, when you develop user interface of your product you should keep two goals in mind: company’s corporate goal and user’s personal goal. And if before most attention was paid to corporate goals of the manufacturer, nowadays in order to stand out among other different products you should first meet personal goals of users. Only after taking care of them, you can slowly move towards commercial gain, making sure to make personal goals of your users your priority.

Recently more and more companies have started to shift towards this type of rendering their services, where a user is given the opportunity to satisfy their goals in the fastest and the simplest way.

For example: — nothing extra at the start. You start making a form and register only after that. — another model of accelerated satisfaction of user’s demands.

Conversion rate can reach 30% if you use accelerate satisfaction of user’s demands. At the same time when you use the common model of service offer with registration and payment at the first step you may lower the conversion to 1%.

Benefits are obvious. Let’s do our best to make the life of our potential users easier.

If you care about your own interests as well as that of the users, everyone’s a winner.

Best regards, Artem Gladkih