Sometimes The Masks Fall Off

So how are you doing, really?

4 min readJan 25, 2017

“Hey Ga-Yell!! How are you doing?”

“I’m good, thanks.”

He had to ask me about five more times before I could answer how I really was doing.

“I’m struggling and confused about…”

I don’t remember how exactly the conversation went after that, but I remember how liberating it was. It was a real one, and by real I mean not fake, which is what it actually means (If you laughed or smiled at that one, then you got it ;).

It has been quite a journey finding my identity in Christ, finding out and accepting who I really am inside and out. By out I mean…never mind. On this long journey, I have discovered, and still do, the masks I’ve been wearing all my life.

Some, I still wear subconsciously. And with the counseling class I’ve been taking for the past three months, I’ve developed an X-Ray type vision of the soul in me.

So BEWARE! I see right through you. Just kidding.

Seriously though, it really has made me sensitive and extra attentive to the things people do and say, and some things that just seem strange get me thinking. By strange, I mean perfect. Have you ever thought about or said to someone, “I didn’t know you like that?” I know I have many times…




Ga-Yell is a Rwandan storyteller, drawing inspiration from his walk with Jesus Christ to encourage you in yours. He resides in Canada with his wife & daughter.