The 7A framework for effective content marketing

Gaafar Al-kaf
4 min readMar 11, 2020


Effective content marketing is one of the best ways to catch customers and develop marketing strategies. And when we talk about strategy we should talk about effective content. So, what we need to talk about today is how to develop a strategy that works for you as a content marketer who wants to attract clients and for the implementation of the work that you do for those clients that you attract.
The great thing is that we have this strategy framework, it’s called The 7A Strategy Framework For Effective Content Marketing, which will work for any content marketing initiative, basically what you do to attract clients.
It works for the industry online expert model. It works for the local model that we talked about last time. It even works if you want to be a generalist.
The first job for the content that you will create has to attract attention in the first place. And of course, attention has always been the first step of leading to a sale, because if they don’t find you during their initial journey, if they don’t find you in social media or if they don’t find you in search, you’re not even in the game. So, if they do find you by social and search, they’ll find you where you are in the game. And if you get them to the email stage, you’re not only in the game; you’re a serious contender. So that’s the progression that we have to go through. But remember, the content has to be useful in the sense that it answers the questions they have, for the problem they have with the buyer that they have.

Let’s go;

1- Agile
Basically, this is a mindset. This is the way things work when you are in a real-time environment, such as the web, online, the Internet. You’re always doing something and getting feedback and that’s the basis of not a static strategy, but one that can adapt and that’s very important.

2- Authentic
Authentic is, in essence, the human voice, the friendliness, the story that is being told. But as we’ll see, the story is the one that the prospect or the audience is interested in hearing, not necessarily the one you’re interested in telling. Unless you find out what that is and there’s a congruence between the two, which we’ll go into in more detail.

3- Attention
Attention. Now almost every copywriting or advertising formula out there starts with attention. That’s what you have to do to be in the game of course. But if you haven’t done the first two steps or created the right mindset for your strategy, you’re going to find that attention is much harder to achieve.

4- Audience
And again, we’re not going from attention to action, attention to sale or steps in between. In a content marketing context, we talk about building an audience.

This is an audience of prospective customers and clients, yes, but we think in terms of media, in terms of an audience instead of just prospects, even though there has to be a congruence between those two things.

5- Authority
It’s not enough just to have an audience — it’s how that audience feels about you. Are you the expert, the likable expert? That again applies to your own marketing, which is why it helps to be an industry expert or a local expert because that creates that authority as opposed to a generalist.

6- Action
Finally, to get to the point of action. Now, as you’ll see when we go through this, you’re asking for action throughout. You can’t take attention and turn it into an audience if you’re not asking for them to sign up for the email list. So there are calls to action throughout. You’re not going to best take advantage of your authority if you’re not asking people to share and tell their friends and all of that kind of thing. That’s where your audience really starts to grow, both for you and for your clients. But at this point of action, we’re really talking about the kind of action we talk about in copy writing and sales, moving further and further down that conversion funnel into the point that we have a sale.

7- Acceleration
And then acceleration is something that a lot of people don’t think about in the normal sale context. But when you build an audience, when you build this media asset, build your own website and your client’s websites, all of these other opportunities come to light, I’ve mentioned a few The acceleration phase is the cool thing. It’s really how the Copyblogger media was built.

