Service mesh on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure: a short video guide.

Gabriele Provinciali
2 min readSep 16, 2018


Hello, you beautiful people (yes, I heard this beginning in a Udemy training video and it was compellingly funny, hope it’s not copyrighted yet), it’s time to refresh our setup notions about getting a microservices application ready and willing on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (bookinfo) with up-to-date (September 2018) information and How-Tos and tricks and tips and nuts and bolts.

Not too many tips as a matter of fact, but OCI has changed (for good!) and bookinfo has been updated to 1.0.2, so it is definitely time to refresh the info exposed in a previous post (here, in italian, Google Translate is your friend).

But, you know what? This time I’ll show it with videos (and related screwups), so less words and more action. Being Jurassic as I am, it basically means: living with less time available, less memory available, less brain CPUs available: video stuff is easy to make and to remember. This also means I’ll have more quality time spent drumming over my beloved Pearl kit during the eagerly awaited weekend.

Without further ado, here are the 16 short chapters:

1 — Create the K8S cluster VCN via a Terraform Script

You can download the super-useful Postak script here on GitHub. Should you want to do that manually, you got to create 2 LBs and 3 SubNets (1 for each worker node).

2 — Check on the Web GUI that everything is ok

And everything is gonna be alright

3 — Setup the CLI

You’ve got to issue some good ol’ Kubectl via CLI, so please warm-up your green-on-black Matrix fashioned terminal.

4 — Create the Cluster!

Open your (almost) favorite browser and discover what’s inside that suspect “Developer Services” option on OCI. K8S is upstream and you won’t shell out any money for the master nodes, which are (autonomously) managed inside OCI.

5 — Create worker nodes within the K8S cluster

In this case three worker nodes, one in each Availability Domain.

6 — Check created nodes.

Not compulsory, but due.

7 — Create kubeconfig file

If you don’t know what’s a kubeconfig file, maybe you’re in the wrong Medium channel ;)

8 — Check CLI (very) basic commands

Due and compulsory…

9 — Create ClusterRoleBinding

10 — Download Istio

Well, K8S cluster has been setup (hopefully). Now it’s time to download the Service Mesh platform (Istio, latest version available — at this epoch, 1.0.2).

11 — Install Istio

Strongly suggested after a download ;)

12 — Check Istio

Not compulsory, but due (being aged means repeating yourself).

13 — Install CRDs

14 — Install Microservices app (bookinfo)

Simple as applying a yaml file via kubectl.

15 — Setup bookinfo networking

As required by bookinfo installation guide… This video gets an ‘unchanged’ status because I’ve done it before (shame on me).

16 — And finally… get bookinfo page!

Well, this is it.

Guys, check out OCI. It rocks!

See ya,


