Stay Productive in the Morning With These 3 Impressive Tips.

Here are 3 ways to beat the morning slump and be productive.

Gabriel Awani
4 min readJan 19, 2023
A work desk with a frame that says ‘Get Shit Done’
Photo by Minh Pham on Unsplash

It’s okay if you don’t feel like getting up and going to work in the morning. It’s normal, especially when you’ve been up all night or haven’t slept well because of something like a stressful week at work.

But there are ways to make mornings more productive for yourself and your team — and if you’re feeling tired or uninspired by now, here are three tips that might help:

Give Yourself Plenty of Time to Wake Up.

It’s important to give yourself plenty of time to wake up. The best way to get the most out of your morning is by being productive when you first wake up.

If you’re not feeling rested, it will be harder for your brain and body to function optimally.

The truth is that there are no hard-and-fast rules about how much sleep we need every night — it varies from person to person! Some people can stay up late without issues while others struggle with sleep deprivation at all hours of the day (or night).

But here’s what we do know: according to research published in Nature Neuroscience journal, getting an average amount of shut-eye each night may help protect against mental decline later in life. So if anything — and I mean anything — will help keep those grey hairs away from reaching into their food source then make sure that number goes up yearly!

A woman getting enough sleep to improve her morning productivity
Photo by Zohre Nemati on Unsplash

Don’t Leave the House on an Empty Stomach.

When you don’t eat anything before you go to bed, your body is likely to have low energy levels and be more tired than usual. This is why it’s important not to eat a heavy meal before going to sleep.

Instead, opt for something light like fruit or cereal that will give you some sustenance without weighing down your stomach too much.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying new healthy habits is eating too much food at once — which can lead them to overeat later in the day when their bodies are craving protein-rich foods like eggs or Greek yogurt (or even just bread).

If this sounds familiar, try eating small amounts throughout the day instead of one big meal every night; this will help keep hunger at bay so that we feel less inclined towards getting off track with our dieting goals during those early morning hours between sleep cycles!

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Don’t Over-Schedule Yourself.

If you’re a morning person, the first thing that will grab your attention is that there are so many things to do. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the day, but keep in mind that it’s not just about work — it’s also about yourself.

Schedule some time for yourself each day. Whether it’s taking 15 minutes to read or meditate before heading out for an early lunch with friends or family members, scheduling quiet time for yourself can help keep your productivity levels high throughout the rest of your day.

Make sure you don’t overschedule yourself by scheduling too many activities at once! Try not to go above two or three activities per hour; otherwise, this could lead to burnout very quickly (and who wants that?).

A to-do list written on a notepad page with a pen
Photo by Thomas Bormans on Unsplash


These tips are sure to help you stay productive during the morning. However, it is important to remember that you can’t expect to be productive every morning.

If you are having a particularly bad morning and you are not feeling productive, don’t worry about it. It is better to be less productive than to force yourself to be productive when you aren’t in the mood for it.

That being said, if you are having a particularly good morning and you feel like you are getting a lot done, try to milk it for all it is worth! Enjoy yourself and make the most of the time you have.

If you feel like something is missing or want to share your tips, please let me know in the comments below, and be sure to follow me for more Productivity tips!!



Gabriel Awani

Virtual Assistant and Digital Marketer. I share my thoughts on SEO, social media marketing, personal growth, and sometimes football.