Humane Ai Pin Everyday Wearable Screenless AI Device

Gadgets Hub
2 min readNov 14, 2023

The Humane Ai Pin is a screenless, wearable AI device that attaches to your clothing with a magnetic clip. It uses a combination of voice recognition, gestures, and a projected Laser Ink Display to interact with you and the world around you. The Ai Pin can be used to make calls, send messages, check the weather, get directions, and much more.

Here are some of the key features of the Humane Ai Pin:

  • Screenless design: The Ai Pin does not have a screen, which makes it more convenient and wearable than traditional smartphones.
  • Voice recognition: The Ai Pin uses voice recognition to understand your commands.
  • Gestures: The Ai Pin also uses gestures to interact with you. For example, you can swipe up and down to scroll through a list, or pinch to zoom in and out.
  • Laser Ink Display: The Ai Pin uses a Laser Ink Display to project information onto your hand or other surfaces. This allows you to interact with the Ai Pin without having to look at a screen.
  • AI-powered: The Ai Pin is powered by AI, which gives it a wide range of capabilities. For example, it can learn your preferences and adapt to your needs.

Here are some of the pros and cons of the Humane Ai Pin:

