4 min readSep 27, 2022

A New Profit-Sharing Cryptocurrency

Importants of Intdestcoin

There are many cryptocurrencies that offer profit-sharing, but Intdestcoin is the only one that offers a profit-sharing cryptocurrency that can be used privately and securely. Other coins are not private, and their security is below industry standards. This makes Intdestcoin the only profitable, private, secure cryptocurrency that can be used for everyday purchases. Intdestcoin is a cryptocurrency based on the X15 algorithm which allows a new coin to be generated after every 15 blocks. The foundation is committed to providing the best possible network stability and will work with the mining pools to identify and resolve any issues that may arise.

The number of cryptocurrencies hitting the market is increasing rapidly. Every day, new coins are being developed, some of which have viable use cases and others that are nothing more than an attempt to raise money. However, the growth of these currencies has not been matched by the growth of the crypto community that supports them. The main reason for this is that many crypto traders only have the capacity and experience to deal with the top five or six coins at the market. The new coins that are being developed are falling victim to the law of supply and demand. The demand for the new coins is not high, and the supply is too much for the market to handle. This makes it tough for new coins to move up the market ranks and gain the kind of recognition that will draw in more investors. While Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have taken the cryptocurrency world by storm, the number of coins in the world are increasing by the day. Many of these coins have been created to solve a particular problem, but one of the issues is that they are not backed by any company and they are not easy to use. The need of the hour is a cryptocurrency that is backed by a company and can be easily used. That is where Intdestcoin comes in.

Tokenomics of Intdestcoin

The cryptocurrency market is fast-growing, new and not always easy to understand. But if you have the curiosity and the time to look into it, it can be rewarding in many ways. One of the most interesting things about the crypto world is that anyone can create their own coins. These are called “tokens”. A token is basically a way to raise money for a certain project. The most common way of raising money is by selling the tokens themselves.

Intdestcoin is a cryptocurrency which is built on top of the blockchain. It is an autonomous digital currency with a profit-sharing component on top of an smart contract. Intdestcoin uses a proof of authority consensus algorithm and has ability to handle 1000 to 10,000 transactions per second.

Intdestcoin is a new open source profit-sharing cryptocurrency. It is based on the same technology that Bitcoin uses, so anyone familiar with Bitcoin can use the same software and tools to mine Intdestcoin. However, the way the coins are distributed is significantly different. While Bitcoin features a fixed supply of coins, Intdestcoin features a dynamic supply. Every month, 1% of the total coins that were mined are distributed among miners who worked on the network that month.


Intdestcoin is a cryptocurrency that offers 50% profit sharing to its investors. You can earn Intdestcoins by buying them or mining them. The profit sharing is structured in a way that as more coins are purchased, the more the share of the coins that goes to the investor. The Intdestcoin profit sharing system is designed to encourage the long-term growth of the coin. This means that the profit sharing system is designed to encourage the long-term growth of the coin.




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