The Basics of Coding

Gagandip Dhaliwal
3 min readDec 5, 2016


Learning languages has always been assist. Students have always been advised to learn multiple languages since it is a good skill to have. In the 21st century coding has become one of the new literacy that is vital to learn. However there are many online websites that can help you learn this digital language.

Codeacedemy is an online education company. The mission of this website is to change the current way of learning to a more modern approach. In order to do this they bring the standard classroom approach to a virtual online experience. Codeacademy offers free coding classes to its users in 12 different programming languages which are, (Ruby, SQL, Python, Java, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, jQuery, AngularJS, Sass and React.js). This blog will show my experience with learning HTML & CSS with the help of Codeacedemy. I started with the free membership option which directed me towards lessons.

Lessons are very descriptive and interactive. There are also hints that provided every time I got stuck and did not know what to do. On the left hand side it tells you the instructions on what to do. For an example it will tell you to use <title> which, allows you to select the title to the web page. The middle screen is where the coding takes place. On the right hand side it shows you the codes that you have created, which is very useful because it shows you exactly what you are coding and how each step comes into play. As you can see I changed the heading to “Basics of coding”.

At the end of each lesson there are quiz that give you an insight on how much you have learned from the lesson and whether you need more practice. There are also badges, which are handed out for completing tasks. Codecademy was a fun experience in which I learnt the basics of coding and I would recommend it to others if they are interested in learning how to code.

