Opening a Chest with Timeline

Joseph Hibbs
2 min readAug 9, 2023


This was really fun to do and honestly so cool!

First, I set up my Chest Timeline, I set the player directly in front of chest, and have the opening a lid animation play. while it is playing i have the sound effect for the chest opening start as the lid starts to open using the animation I recorded. Then I used an Signal Emitter to call a method called spawn item. At the same time I played my Particle Timeline and sound effect for item spawn.

For my chest Trigger script, it gets called if the player has entered the trigger and it the chest is not already opened. Telling it to start playing my director and set open to true.

Then for the Spawn Item for my Emitter I put the script onto the chest, which allows for me to set which item it will spawn and the offset for it.

