TOP 10 Easiest NFT Games!

Game Master Guild Alliance
9 min readApr 6, 2022


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Those who know about NFT games will know that most people still focus on the money-making part of NFT games, and the artwork is just a bonus, usually not the core essence of NFT games. Today we are going to introduce those NFT games that do not need much artistic production!


QuestFi is a game that runs on a BSC chain, where players are rewarded with game tokens as long as they follow the mission instructions to achieve their goals.

QuestFi’s guide is very thoughtful for newcomers to the blockchain world, and the quest content can be considered a beginner’s guide to the blockchain world.

From how to create a blockchain wallet to how to invest in the game, it’s all clearly written, and when players have learned this knowledge, they can get rewards.

The game currency earned in QuestFi can be used to invest in the next game and gain more income, It is a generous little game that allows people to get benefits for free.

2、The Treasure

The Treasure is a pirate treasure chest raffle game that requires the use of GMGG tokens to open treasure chests and runs on a BSC chain.

The story tells the medieval pirates rampant, but the pirates plundered the treasure is too much, pirate ships can not be loaded, they had to first bury these treasures on an uninhabited island, and in order to avoid others to steal these treasures, the pirates hired a sorcerer to these treasures cast a spell, if not the right person to open the treasure, the treasure box open may be affected by the spell, into an empty chest.

But if you are the one who can break the sorcerer’s magic, then you can get an endless stream of treasure that gushes out like a waterfall.

The game process is very simple, players only need to hold the corresponding number of GMGG tokens, and choose to open one treasure chest at a time, or multiple treasure chests, click on open to see the results directly.

It does not require players to use their brains to think and spend a lot of time, and the earnings will not be like some games, the draw rate is very low, almost every treasure chest can let players earn money, is a simple game to quickly accumulate wealth.

And The Treasure built-in invitation binding system, as long as the player through their own game URL, let friends from the URL into the game, and spend in the game to open the treasure chest, the player can receive additional bonus bonuses, and an account can be bound to many different accounts, is also a good choice for the scholarship program!

3、Par War Online

Par War Online is a game that only has a simple art LOGO like a virus pattern, after entering the game website, you will find that there is no art screen inside, only a large pile of pure text.

When a player chooses to attack another player’s Par, the system will randomly draw a number for both parties’ Par battle value, and the person with the higher number will win the battle and win the other player’s Par, and turn the Par into BNB, which is the source of the player’s revenue.

So if you want to make money in this game, you’d better create a Par with a higher cap value to have a higher chance of winning, just like his virus icon, this simple game makes it easy to get addicted quickly and go online every day to fight with other players’ Pars.

4、Waves Ducks

Waves Ducks is an NFT game that combines the characteristics of many people in the world with the characteristics of the duck or meme, players can find all kinds of familiar-looking ducks in it, whether they are movie characters, anime characters, real-world characters or virtual characters, there should be everything.

In addition to the little yellow duck artwork, Waves Ducks is almost entirely text inside, players only need to hatch duck eggs to draw prizes, hatch the hero duck, you can let the hero duck keep laying eggs and take these duck eggs tokens to cash.

Waves Ducks are also designed with a breeding mode. No matter who the parents are, as long as you find a male and a female duckling, you can have new ducklings, and the new ducklings have the chance to be normal or heroic ducks.

The rarity of heroic ducks is higher the smaller the number of heroic ducks, and the higher the rarity, the better and faster the efficiency of producing duck egg tokens.


It is a dice NFT game on the polygon chain, also only some simple matching pictures, the rest are only text in the change.

Players have to dice 10 times with other players in the same game, and add up the result numbers of each dice, the highest score will win all the rewards of that game.

6、Open Emoji Battler

Open Emoji Battler is an NFT game developed by a blockchain game community. This game requires the installation of an extension called Polkadot in order to play, but the most troublesome part is only here.

The goal of the game is to increase your EP, or Emoji Power, by winning matches. In a match, four players will take turns in a 1V1 duel, but there is no need to worry about excessive waiting time because the duel data is taken from the deck data set by the players before they enter the duel.

At the beginning of the tournament, players will build their own deck and each player will have a life value of 30. After that, players will repeatedly select and eliminate card rows each turn to raise their battle level, and after setting these emoticons, they will automatically fight until all the emoticons in other players’ hands are consumed or their life value is deducted to 0.


A money saving game running on Ethereum, inspired by the piggy bank that we all remember from our childhood.

Every day, you deposit money into Yoink, and every 24 hours it will be settled, and the ranking of the amount of money deposited will be listed, and 1% of the total savings will be randomly allocated to one of the top 500 wallets.

If the system selects a wallet that is not in the top 500, then the 1% will be destroyed, It’s a game of passive income with a lot of luck, no need to do anything, just deposit money in it!

8、Wolf Game for Solana

Wolf Game for Solana is a NFT game running on the Solana chain, there is not a single picture inside, only pure text describing the rules of the game.

Players can buy the animals inside, which are divided into sheep and wolves, and wolves are divided into normal wolves and alpha wolves. Players who buy sheep can make them produce 10,000 wool tokens every day, but only 70% of the wool tokens can be withdrawn every day.

The player who draws the wolf can get 30% of the wool tokens from the wolf every day, which is about 12,000 wool tokens, and the Alpha wolf gets twice as many wool tokens per day as the normal wolf.

Wool tokens can be exchanged for other digital currencies on the DEX market, while sheep and wolves NFT can be traded on the NFT market, which is also considered a passive income game that does not require players to play at all.


Traps is a NFT game running on the Tron chain, very similar to many easy mobile games, a concept of playing big fish eating small fish.

After entering the game, players must first create their own color circle, and then go into the resource battlefield to find ways to eat the resources in the environment to make the circle grow, when your growth rate is fast enough, you can go to attack other circles, as long as you encounter other circles smaller than you, you can eat the other circle to make your own circle grow bigger.

On the other hand, if you encounter a circle that is bigger than you, you’d better run away, because if you are eaten by the opponent’s circle, the game will be over. Each game lasts about 4 to 8 minutes, and the name of the player is written in the upper right corner and in the middle of the circle, so that players can quickly figure out the current ranking and size of the opponent’s circle.

10、Super Minesweeper

Super Minesweeper is an NFT game that runs on the BSC chain.

Almost everyone in the world who can use a computer can’t be unaware of this little game, right? Now Super Minesweeper has been sent to the Metaverse as an NFT game!

In addition to the original mine stepping game, you can also use the editor to create your own map and upload it to the Internet for other players to figure out how to break the level!

If you are an expert Super Minesweeper player, or even a player competing in the global Super Minesweeper rankings, then this Super Minesweeper NFT game is sure to make you a lot of money!

These are the 10 easiest NFT games introduced today!

Be aware that making this video is taking time and changes in NFT games world are really fast, always double check information with current moment since it may be out dated. We hope something caught your attention and you will make big step forward into earnings crypto currencies!

For more information on NFT games and the Metaverse, join GMGA’s Discord and pay attention to all of GMGA’s social platforms! Or you can just come and chat! The links are in the information section below, see you next time, bye bye!

