Daily Announcement 8th of November

2 min readNov 8, 2021


In todays announcement we cover; Orion Money P2E winners; Kujira IDO details; Buy+Burn Week!

Topics of Today’s Article

  • Orion Money Play2Earn
  • Kujira IDO details
  • Buy+Burn Week

Orion Money Play2Earn

As part of the Orion Money Play2Earn feature, we have awarded over 385 participants with payouts totaling 50,000 $UST. We completed a snapshot and the prize money was sent out just before 19:00UTC.

To see if you’ve won, check this spreadsheet and search for your Terra Wallet! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A9oE6yOgt-TJDCVmBekbhpOzDKdtZbRwQJ-2dbre0Zo/

Kujira IDO

On November 12th, StarTerra is teaming up with Kujira for an exclusive IDO! Earlier today we released an article regarding this fundraising event that you can check out here: https://medium.com/@StarTerra/kujira-x-starterra-ido-on-november-12th-b797ea70acae

IDO Metrics

Token Ticker: $KUJI

Blockchain Network: Terra

Total Supply: 150,000,000

Project Valuation: 27,000,000 UST

Initial Token Circulation: 6,701,250

Initial Market Cap: 1,206,225 UST

StarTerra Platform Raise: 3,000,000 UST

For more info, visit our research page on Kujira:


Buy+Burn Week

As part of our tokenomics, StarTerra will be Buy+Burning our native $STT token throughout the week. We have accumulated $UST from the fee’s generated from our platform and we will be announcing the total bought and burned at the end of the week! We look forward to continuously providing our $STT holders and stakers with long term value and are excited for investors to joint us at the beginning of our journey!

Tomorrow we will announce more of our upcoming IDO partnerships as well as a strategic one!

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