Lost Innocence: The Alarming Consequences of Excessive Screen Time on Children’s Character and Moral Well-being

Gams Brown
3 min readJul 25, 2023


The world we live in today is awash in screens. From smartphones to tablets to computers, screens are everywhere. And for children, this constant exposure to screens is having a profound impact on their character and moral well-being.

What is Screen Time?

Screen time is any time that a child spends looking at a screen. This includes time spent watching TV, playing video games, using social media, or browsing the internet.

The Alarming Consequences of Excessive Screen Time

There is a growing body of research that suggests that excessive screen time can have a number of negative consequences for children’s character and moral well-being. These consequences include:

  • Decreased empathy: Studies have shown that children who spend more time on screens are less likely to be empathetic towards others. This is because screen time can lead to a decrease in emotional intelligence.
  • Increased aggression: Excessive screen time has also been linked to an increase in aggression in children. This is likely because screen time can expose children to violent content, which can desensitize them to violence and make them more likely to act aggressively themselves.
  • Lessened self-control: Children who spend more time on screens are also more likely to have problems with self-control. This is because screen time can lead to a decrease in impulse control.
  • Increased materialism: Excessive screen time can also lead to an increase in materialism in children. This is because screen time can expose children to advertising, which can teach them to value material possessions over other things, such as relationships and experiences.
  • Decreased creativity: Children who spend more time on screens are also less likely to be creative. This is because screen time can lead to a decrease in divergent thinking, which is the ability to think outside the box.

The Loss of Innocence

In addition to the negative consequences listed above, excessive screen time can also lead to a loss of innocence in children. This is because screen time can expose children to things that they are not ready to see, such as violence, sex, and adult language. This exposure can lead to children becoming desensitized to these things and losing their sense of wonder and innocence.

The Way Forward

Consider this singular activity which can drastically reduce the negative impact of excessive screen time on your children’s character and moral well-being. Just one:

  • Carry Out An Audit: Many parents are totally unaware of the videos their children watch online and the websites they visit. You should immediately check the browser history of your child’s appliances and vet the video channels they can access and the programming of such channels.

One More Thing…

Encouraging your child to participate in physical activities and even engaging their creativity through coloring books can help your child to grow up to be a healthy, well-adjusted adult.



Gams Brown

I'm a publisher, educator, and community builder who is passionate about exploring the intersections between mental health, emotional health, and creativity.