Child Not from Husband, Best Friends Turned Enemies, Extramarital Affairs Destroy 2 Marriages

Gany Wegner
5 min readMar 1, 2024


Photo by Anil Sharma on Unsplash

Recently, I read a piece of news about a woman giving birth to a pair of twins, but the DNA test revealed that they had different fathers.

At first, the woman’s husband’s family was overjoyed by the arrival of the twins. However, when it came time to register the births, the twins’ father was shocked to find out that only one of the children was his, and the other’s father was unknown.

For the man, this revelation was like a bolt from the blue, and he was probably devastated. How could this happen? What kind of woman is his wife, and how did she manage to do this?

I don’t know how the couple dealt with this in the end, but I’m sure it wasn’t a pleasant resolution.

I remember a similar story from 2 years ago. A man’s wife gave birth to triplets, but as time passed, the children’s appearances became increasingly different.

The man had doubts and secretly had a paternity test done, which revealed that only one of the children was his, and the other two belonged to different men. Triplets, three fathers!

At first, the blame fell on the woman, but unable to withstand the pressure, she had to admit to her husband that she had been unfaithful. The final outcome is unknown, but I’m sure it wasn’t a pleasant one.

Although these stories seem unbelievable, similar cases are not uncommon. Nonetheless, twins having different fathers is truly mind-boggling and incredibly hurtful.

Many times, seemingly happy couples suddenly divorce, often due to issues with their children’s parentage. It’s a situation that’s hard to forgive, and many “good” couples end up divorcing because of it.

1. The Story of a Divorced Woman

After lunch, my colleagues and I were chatting, and one of them shared a divorce case she had encountered, which happened about 2 years ago. It was the story of a divorced woman and her best friend, who ended up destroying each other’s families because their children were not biologically related to their husbands.

I’ll start the story from when these best friends were in college, so it’s easier to understand.

Cathy and Helen were best friends in college, and Cathy was tall and beautiful, giving off a cold impression. On the other hand, Helen was lively, liked dating, and had a carefree attitude.

Before graduating, a boy named John had been pursuing Cathy, but she wasn’t interested. Helen, however, found John attractive and asked Cathy to introduce him, as she had just broken up with her boyfriend and was single.

Cathy thought it was a good idea, as she had been trying to get rid of John. With Cathy’s help, Helen and John became a couple. After graduation, they got married, while Cathy married a wealthy man and had a happy marriage.

Three years after graduation, both Cathy and Helen had children, and everything seemed fine. They were close sisters, and their families lived nearby, often visiting each other.

They would go shopping and play together on weekends and holidays. Whenever one of them had a quarrel with their husband, they would support each other as sisters.

To outsiders, their relationship seemed solid, and their friendship was deep. They helped each other in life and were like real sisters.

However, no one could have foreseen the crisis that would hit Helen’s marriage after five years. Her husband John fell out of love with her and wanted a divorce.

Surprisingly, it was Cathy, her best friend, who caused the crisis!

2. She Hid Deeply

According to Helen, Cathy was a cold and picky person. She didn’t like John, and when John pursued her, she refused him. However, the reality was different. In the fifth year of their marriage, Helen found out that John had been going out on dates with Cathy. They watched a movie together and spent a night together in a hotel. Although what happened that night was unknown, it was definitely not innocent.

Helen said, “She married a wealthy man and claimed to be happy, but it was all a lie to deceive me. Her wealthy husband had long grown tired of her. She was lonely and accidentally hurt me. We were supposed to be lifelong sisters, but she betrayed me. Thank you for your understanding…”

Cathy admitted to accompanying John to watch a movie, have dinner, and then spent the night at the hotel. Helen was furious and didn’t want to forgive her. Cathy was caught off guard and could only apologize.

After the divorce, Helen went to Cathy’s house with her child and revealed the truth to Cathy’s husband, which led to Cathy’s divorce. Surprisingly, Cathy’s child was also not her wealthy husband’s, leaving her with nothing after the divorce.

3. Deep Sisterhood, Both Divorced

In Helen’s story, her casual attitude towards relationships in the early years of her marriage was a contributing factor to her divorce. She had been involved with multiple people, including some ex-boyfriends, all unbeknownst to her husband John.

When she became pregnant, she was worried that the baby might not be John’s. She confided in Cathy, who advised her not to keep the baby. However, Helen couldn’t bear to part with the child and took the gamble.

After the child’s birth, Helen was relieved as the child resembled John, and she thought the child was his. Later on, she forgot all about her doubts.

However, after just three months, Helen discovered that John had changed and become indifferent. He even went as far as to have a paternity test done, questioning the child’s parentage.

Helen was left speechless when she couldn’t explain why the child wasn’t John’s. She admitted that her carelessness before the baby was born had led to this situation, and John was unwilling to forgive her.

4. Deep Feelings, Double Divorces

The divorce of Cathy and Helen, once deep sisters, was a result of their extramarital affairs. Cathy had destroyed Helen’s marriage, and Helen had retaliated by revealing Cathy’s infidelity, leading to her divorce as well.

5. The Consequences of Emotional Mistakes

In the end, Cathy and Helen both faced the consequences of their actions. Cathy’s manipulative behavior had destroyed Helen’s marriage, but the root cause was Helen’s own casual attitude towards relationships, which ultimately led to her downfall.

6. Honesty in Relationships

In marriage and relationships, honesty and trust are essential. The consequences of emotional mistakes can be severe, and the truth always has a way of coming out in the end. Deception has no place in love, and those who don’t cherish themselves will struggle to find happiness in their families.



Gany Wegner

Writing stories about love, family relationships, and parenting.