Deploy Kubernetes Dashboard with Metrics Server using Terraform and Helm on Docker Desktop

Garis Space
3 min readNov 29, 2022


This is a simple example of how to deploy the Kubernetes Dashboard and Metrics Server using Terraform and Helm on Docker Desktop.

This post assumes that you have local single-node Kubernetes cluster enabled in Docker Desktop.

Optional Step 1 — Set the kubectl context to Docker Desktop
If you have multiple kubectl contexts, you can set the current context to Docker Desktop using the following command:

kubectl config use-context docker-desktop

Step 2 — Install Terraform for macOs (if not already installed)
Download and install Terraform from

brew tap hashicorp/tap

brew install hashicorp/tap/terraform

Step 3 — Clone repository

git clone

cd tf-helm-kubernetes-dashboard-and-metrics-server

In the root directory of this repository, you will find a `` file which contains the Terraform configuration to deploy the Kubernetes Dashboard and Metrics Server.

terraform {
required_providers {
# Kubernetes provider
kubernetes = {
source = "hashicorp/kubernetes"
# Helm provider
helm = {
source = "hashicorp/helm"

# Path to config file for the Kubernetes provider as variable
variable "kubeconfig" {
type = string
# Load the kubeconfig from your home directory (default location for Docker Desktop Kubernetes)
default = "~/.kube/config"

# Kubernetes provider configuration
provider "kubernetes" {
config_path = var.kubeconfig

# Helm provider configuration
provider "helm" {
# Local Kubernetes cluster from Docker Desktop
kubernetes {
# Load the kubeconfig from your home directory
config_path = var.kubeconfig

# Create a new Kubernetes namespace for the application deployment
resource "kubernetes_namespace" "kubernetes_dashboard" {
metadata {
name = "kubernetes-dashboard"

# Install the Kubernetes Dashboard using the Helm provider
resource "helm_release" "kubernetes_dashboard" {
# Name of the release in the cluster
name = "kubernetes-dashboard"

# Name of the chart to install
repository = ""

# Version of the chart to use
chart = "kubernetes-dashboard"

# Wait for the Kubernetes namespace to be created
depends_on = [kubernetes_namespace.kubernetes_dashboard]

# Set the namespace to install the release into
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.kubernetes_dashboard.metadata[0].name

# Set service type to LoadBalancer
set {
name = "service.type"
value = "LoadBalancer"

# Set service external port to 9080
set {
name = "service.externalPort"
value = "9080"

# Set protocol to HTTP (not HTTPS)
set {
name = "protocolHttp"
value = "true"

# Enable insecure login (no authentication)
set {
name = "enableInsecureLogin"
value = "true"

# Enable cluster read only role (no write access) for the dashboard user
set {
name = "rbac.clusterReadOnlyRole"
value = "true"

# Enable metrics scraper (required for the CPU and memory usage graphs)
set {
name = "metricsScraper.enabled"
value = "true"

# Wait for the release to be deployed
wait = true

# Install the Metrics Server using the Helm provider
resource "helm_release" "metrics_server" {
# Name of the release in the cluster
name = "metrics-server"

# Name of the chart to install
repository = ""

# Version of the chart to use
chart = "metrics-server"

# Wait for the Kubernetes Dashboard and Kubernetes namespace to be created
depends_on = [helm_release.kubernetes_dashboard, kubernetes_namespace.kubernetes_dashboard]

# Set the namespace to install the release into
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.kubernetes_dashboard.metadata[0].name

# Recent updates to the Metrics Server do not work with self-signed certificates by default.
# Since Docker For Desktop uses such certificates, you’ll need to allow insecure TLS
set {
name = "args"
value = "{--kubelet-insecure-tls=true}"

# Wait for the release to be deployed
wait = true

# Output metadata of the Kubernetes Dashboard release
output "kubernetes_dashboard_service_metadata" {
value = helm_release.kubernetes_dashboard.metadata

# Output metadata of the Metrics Server release
output "metrics_server_service_metadata" {
value = helm_release.metrics_server.metadata

# Output the URL of the Kubernetes Dashboard
output "kubernetes_dashboard_url" {
value = "http://localhost:9080"

Step 4 — Initialize Terraform

terraform init

Step 5 — Deploy the Kubernetes Dashboard and Metrics Server

terraform apply

Step 6 — Access the Kubernetes Dashboard
Open the Kubernetes Dashboard (please wait a few minutes for the Kubernetes Dashboard to start and the Metrics Server to collect data)

Optional Step 7 — Clean up

terraform destroy

