Gatot Soedarto
1 min readJun 15, 2017


“It’s not just about the perihelion shift of Mercury, it’s also about lensing effects like Einstein rings, and gravitational red shift of light.”

Lensing, gravitational redshift, special and general relativity time dilation can be explained without Einstein’s theory. For example, paper of Professor R. C. Gupta, India, ‘Bending of Light Near a Star and Gravitational Red/Blue Shift: Alternative Explanation Based on Refraction of Light’.

Many of the general relativity tests such as bending of light near a star and gravitational red/blue shift are explained without general relativity & without Newtonian approach. The author first casts doubts on both, the Newtonian and the relativistic approach; and proposes a novel alternative explanation. The new alternative explanation is based on refraction phenomenon of optics.

“General relativity measures energy in units of energy, length in units of length and time in units of time.”

If knowing mass of Sun, mass of Moon, distance Earth to Sun, and distance Earth to Moon; can you calculate gravitational force (F) Sun to Earth and Moon to Earth and predict tides in Oregon, USA, at the day of 2017 solar eclipse, August 21; using units and measurement of Einstein’s theory of gravity (general relativity)?

If you can, I will agree with you that Einstein’s theory of gravity superior than Newton’s theory of gravity. If you can’t, “Einstein’s theory of gravity superior than Newton’s theory of gravity” is nonsense. Because Newton’s theory of gravity predicts tides very accurate, for example in Oregon or in all places/harbor in the world.



Gatot Soedarto

Navigator, former lecturer on Astronomy. Author: Logical Fallacies of Special and General Theory of Relativity, 1919 Eclipse and General Relativity.