EFE Violates the Basic of Astronomy

Gatot Soedarto
9 min readAug 12, 2017


Riemann’s ambition was nothing less than a total theory of physics, including electricity, magnetism, gravity and light, based on a single mathematical law. In this case Riemann had failed. Riemann’s ambition was forwarded by Einstein; and Einstein had also failed to find the Unified Field Theory.

“The other gateway to this knowledge may be opened by the Unified Field Theory upon which Einstein has been work for a quarter century” (Lincoln Barnett, The Universe and Dr.Einstein).

The Einstein Field Equations say:

Curvature of spacetime = density and flux of energy and momentum.

The left-hand side of that equation is a matrix of numbers (curvature of spacetime). Mathematically, spacetime is a manifold. The right-hand side is a matrix of quantum operators, each of which has an expectation value. This, at some level, makes no sense.

Mathematically, spacetime is a manifold. But, there is no manifold in the basic of astronomy. Albert Einstein really had no idea on the basic of astronomy. It’s like a people have no experience in electronics, then try to modify a sound system, of course, the resulting sound is becoming discordant.

Mathematics actually is about a way of modeling patterns that we see in the real world. It is similar with thought experiment, a mathemathic equation can be made to obtain the result they wanted to get.

Is the mathematic true and then the theory should be true? No, for example, according to Maxwell’s equations, it’s possible to have a “magnetic monopole” — a magnet with a North pole but no South pole. Magnetic monopoles have never been discovered, and many scientists believe they don’t really exist.

“It is impossible to make magnetic monopoles from a bar magnet. If a bar magnet is cut in half, it is not the case that one half has the north pole and the other half has the south pole. Instead, each piece has its own north and south poles. A magnetic monopole cannot be created from normal matter such as atoms and electrons, but would instead be a new elementary particle.”

If you study Einstein Field Equation of gravitation, you’ll find EFE is based on assumptions, thought experiment, and Riemann geometry. In the case of Einstein’s thought experiments, we know that there are full of logical fallacies; a kind of a false equivalence and the fallacy of composition.

Riemann Geometry

One of the basic topics in Riemannian geometry is the study of curved surfaces in general. Riemann geometry also study higher dimensional spaces. But, there are no practical applications of Riemann geometry in astronomy. Riemann did not take an interest in the space of the astronomers. Questions about the global properties of space he cut short as “idle questions.”

Projecting a sphere to a plane,

Projecting a sphere to a plane is very important to make a map used in astronomy. But, the astronomy doesn’t using Riemann geometry.

Einstein was interested to Riemann geometry, but Einstein had no idea on the basic of astronomy, therefore, he had not realized that Riemann geometry is useless in astronomy. Ironically, he declared a mathematical equations (EFE) that are based on Riemann. So, EFE is also useless in astronomy, in the sense that EFE violate of astronomy.

In order not to force the reader constantly to consult the previous publications, I repeat here the considerations in their entirety. One derives from the well-known Riemann-covariant of rank four the following (The Field Equation of Gravitation)

To get his equation, among other Einstein assumes that ‘in spaces where matter is absent’; this assumption is reasonless to reality. Outer space, or just space, is the void that exists between celestial bodies, including Earth. It is not completely empty, but consists of a hard vacuum containing a low density of particles, predominantly a plasma of hydrogen and helium as well as electromagnetic radiation, magnetic fields, neutrinos, dust, and cosmic rays.

He also doesn’t understand that space around the massive bodies is not empty vacuum, but the atmospheric medium. EFE had ignored the atmospheric medium. That’s why the Gravity Probe B went wrong tries to detect the geodetic effect and the frame-dragging effect in the Earth’s atmosphere. That is something illogical and impossible.

Mathematically, spacetime is a manifold, which is to say, it appears locally “flat” near each point in the same way that, at small enough scales, a globe appears flat. An extremely large scale factor, relates distances measured in space with distances measured in time. The magnitude of this scale factor (nearly 300,000 km in space being equivalent to 1 second in time), along with the fact that spacetime is a manifold, implies that at ordinary, non-relativistic speeds and at ordinary, human-scale distances, there is little that humans might observe which is noticeably different from what they might observe if the world were Euclidean.

Beside that, Einstein concluded that gravity and acceleration must produce the curvature of space for this mathematical theory.The elements of EFE are called “tensors”. These tensors must have precise mathematical characteristics, so that they transform into different coordinates according to the rigid rules of the Riemann-Ricci mathematical theory. Tensors that satisfy this requirement are called true tensors.

He called this true tensor his “energy-momentum tensor”. He also tried to develop a true tensor to specify the energy of the gravitational field, but he could only achieve a “pseudo-tensor”, which could not be used in his gravitational field equation. The Einstein equation actually cannot yield meaningful predictions of the much larger relativistic effects associated with cosmology, because the Einstein gravitational field equation lacks a true tensor to characterize the gravitational field.

There is no manifold in the basic of astronomy.

What is a manifold? A manifold is a topological space that locally resembles Euclidean space near each point. More precisely, each point of an n-dimensional manifold has a neighbourhood that is homeomorphic to the Euclidean space of dimension n. In this more precise terminology, a manifold is referred to as an n-manifold.

One-dimensional manifolds include lines and circles, but not figure eights (because they have crossing points that are not locally homeomorphic to Euclidean 1-space). Two-dimensional manifolds are also called surfaces. Examples include the plane, the sphere, and the torus, which can all be embedded (formed without self-intersections) in three dimensional real space, but also the Klein bottle and real projective plane, which will always self-intersect when immersed in three-dimensional real space.

The real projective plane is a two-dimensional manifold that cannot be realized in three dimensions without self-intersection, shown here as Boy’s surface.

The concept of a manifold is central to many parts of geometry and modern mathematical physics because it allows complicated structures to be described and understood in terms of the simpler local topological properties of Euclidean space. Manifolds naturally arise as solution sets of systems of equations and as graphs of functions. (Manifold)

Mathematical Invalidity of the Lorentz Transformation in Relativity Theory

Mathematical procedure by which Albert Einstein derived Lorentz transformation is incorrect. The transformation is an imaginary “solution” to a set of equations which evaluate to zero throughout the derivation process.Author derives Lorentz transformation the way Einstein did, and shows the places where errors were made.

Explanations of Errors
Error 1 →Expression (3) is useless. We have

x − ct = 0 (1)
x’− ct’ = 0 (2)

In (3) Einstein writes

x’ − ct’ = a ( x − ct ) (3) -(a = lambda symbol)

Because of (1) and (2) we can write (3) as
0 = a0

One can postulate that meaningful values, which are at least sometimes both different from zero, are somehow related. Introducing proportionality quotient between nothing and nothing has no meaning. Read more in masstheory-lorentz.

Division only makes sense when the number you are dividing by is non-zero.Therefore, it is not legitimate to divide both sides of the equation because that would be division by zero, which does not make any sense.

That is the same as saying “3 times 0 equals 7 times 0, therefore 3 equals 7”. The fallacy is that, just because two numbers give you the same answer (zero) after you multiply them each by zero, doesn’t necessarily mean that the two numbers are the same, because anything when multiplied by zero gives zero.

How Einstein was Wrong about E=MC2

Einstein made three basic mistakes in his interpretation of the E=MC2 equation. Einstein’s first mistake with E=MC2 was to take a simple equation and then try to interpret it with two contradictory and paradoxical ideas of mass and energy.

The Antisymmetric Connection: Fundamental Errors in the Einstein Field Equation

It is shown that there are several irretrievable errors in the Einstein theory of cosmology used in the standard model, and in all derivative theories thereof. The root cause of these errors is that Einstein’s theory used a connection in Riemann geometry that is symmetric in its lower two indices. The connection must however be antisymmetric in its lower two indices as shown in previous papers of this series ( www.aias.us). The incorrect use of a symmetric connection means that the general relativity of the last ninety years or so is incorrect and should be developed with Einstein Cartan Evans (ECE) theory. All the major assumptions of Einsteinian cosmology are based on an assumed symmetric connection, notably the second Bianchi identity used in the field equation, and the geodesic method used by Einstein in deriving the Newtonian limit. Derivative theories such as the Hawking-Penrose singularity theorems also assume a symmetric connection, and are therefore mathematically incorrect and physically meaningless. All metrics of the Einstein field equation are incorrect. An error free cosmology based on ECE theory has been developed in earlier papers of this series.(The Antisymmetric Connection).

Now I know why everyone says Einstein is so difficult to understand. It’s because he performed impossible and paradoxical mathematical operations:

Mathematical nonsense as used by Einstein’s relativity: Mathematical nonsense

Feynman said :“It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with experiment, it’s wrong”

Actually, Feynman tells us about the beautiful of Einstein general theory of relativity, but it doesn’t agree with 1919 eclipse experiment, so it’s wrong.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge” (Albert Einstein)

Unfortunately, Einstein’s imagination lead him to the biggest blunder in modern physics for more than 100 years.

Former NASA physicist Dr. Edward Dowdye Jr disputes Einstein’s relativity theory. “I believe if Einstein were alive today, he would take advantage of the modern techniques and the modern instruments we have and he would wind up disproving his own theory,” said Dr. Dowdye, a physicist and laser optics engineer who retired from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. He is an independent researcher and founder of Pure Classical Physics Research and he is a member of The American Physics Society.


The field equations of gravitation (EFE) violates the basic of modern astronomy

Einstein’s general relativity has never been right. Einstein has no idea on the basic of astronomy. Einstein hypothesis and Einstein proposed test about bending of light is closely related to astronomy, especially celestial navigation. The navigators around the world will easily able to know Einstein’s hypothesis is not valid; and doesn’t meet requirement of the scientific method.

If you don’t understand Einstein had no idea on the basic of astronomy and Einstein’s hypothesis is not valid; physics training is needed, but more importantly is celestial navigation training. Or, you should look for a person who expert on astronomy/celestial navigation to explain the meaning of Einstein’s hypothesis and test via solar eclipse as written in the book ‘The Universe and Dr.Einstein’, by Lincoln Barnett, London, 1949, Foreword by Albert Einstein himself, on page 78.

They did not hesitate to say: “One century after its formulation, Einstein’s general relativity has made remarkable predictions and turned out to be compatible with all experimental tests.”; or said that special and general theory of relativity are incredibly well tested and very accurate theories. But, actually, all tests are the case of ‘knowing the result’. Obviously, nonsense. General relativity is the greatest hoax in science of 20th century.

Until now, for more than 90 years, Nobel Committe statements in the year 1921 is still valid:”Without taking into account the value that will be accorded your relativity and gravitation theories after these are confirmed in the future”.

To many, and to Einstein himself, this felt like a slap in the face.

The next generation of scientists must know that Einstein’s theory is wrong. If they accepted Einstein’s relativity, I’m sure that their reputation and their college degree will be useless.

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Gatot Soedarto

Navigator, former lecturer on Astronomy. Author: Logical Fallacies of Special and General Theory of Relativity, 1919 Eclipse and General Relativity.