Gatot Soedarto
11 min readApr 10, 2016

What Exactly Is Gravity ?

How did our Universe get to be so homogenous, beautiful and special ? Gravity is the builder of the balance Universe and all the celestial bodies

How did the structure of Earth’s atmosphere get to be so regular ? The formation of Earth’s atmosphere was caused by Earth’s gravity.

Gravity isn’t merely the law of attraction, Earth’s gravity is the builder of the Earth’s atmosphere.

Gravity compresses the Earth’s atmosphere, it creates air pressure; the driving force of wind and creates clouds. Without gravity, there would be no atmosphere or air pressure and thus, no clouds and no wind. Its mean there would be no life at the Earth.

Planet’s gravity is the builder of planet’s atmosphere.Celestial bodies gravity is the builder of the celestial bodies atmosphere.

photoshoplady -Gravity is the force to maintain the well balanced, a beautifully, homogenous, and isotropic of the Universe

Aristotle. In the 4th century BC,the Greek philosopher Aristotle believed that there is no effect or motion without a cause. The cause of the downward motion of heavy bodies, such as the element earth, was related to their nature, which caused them to move downward toward the center of the universe, which was their natural place.

Conversely, light bodies such as the element fire, move by their nature upward toward the inner surface of the sphere of the Moon. Thus in Aristotle’s system heavy bodies are not attracted to the earth by an external force of gravity, but tend toward the center of the universe because of an inner gravitas or heaviness.

Brahmagupta, the Indian astronomer and mathematician whose work influenced Arab mathematics in the 9th century, held the view that the earth was spherical and that it attracted objects. Al Hamdānī and Al Biruni quote Brahmagupta saying “Disregarding this, we say that the earth on all its sides is the same; all people on the earth stand upright, and all heavy things fall down to the earth by a law of nature, for it is the nature of the earth to attract and to keep things, as it is the nature of water to flow, that of fire to burn, and that of the wind to set in motion.

If a thing wants to go deeper down than the earth, let it try. The earth is the only low thing, and seeds always return to it, in whatever direction you may throw them away, and never rise upwards from the earth.

Isaac Newton

During the 17th century, Galileo found that, counter to Aristotle’s teachings, all objects accelerated equally when falling.

In the late 17th century, as a result of Robert Hooke’s suggestion that there is a gravitational force which depends on the inverse suare of the distance. Isaac Newton was able to mathematically derive Kepler’s three kinematic laws of planetary motion including the eclliptical orbits for the six then known planets and the Moon:

“I deduced that the forces which keep the planets in their orbs must be reciprocally as the squares of their distances from the centres about which they revolve, and thereby compared the force requisite to keep the moon in her orb with the force of gravity at the surface of the earth and found them to answer pretty nearly.”
— Isaac Newton, 1666

So Newton’s original formula was:

where the symbol:

means “is proportional to” (Wikipedia).

What is Gravity?

According to Livescience magazine gravity is the force that attracts two bodies toward each other, the force that causes apples to fall toward the ground and the planets to orbit the sun. The more massive an object is, the stronger its gravitational pull.

But by definition gravity is the force that attracts a body towards the centre of the earth, or towards any other physical body having mass (Oxford Dictionary).

Newton’s law of universal gravitation states that any two bodies in the universe attract each other with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

In this case we see that our understanding of gravity is not complete. We need to think about gravity in the large scale of the universe and in relation with balance of universe.The universe is always in a state of harmony and balance - homogenous and isotropic of the universe — from somewhere on earth look to the sky, all point in the sky always looks the same and uniform. Gravity not only a force that any two bodies in universe attract each other, but gravity is the force due to the effects of well balanced universe .

The universe demands balance. Nature demands balance. All of celestial bodies in orbit, demand balance. Earth’s rotation demands balance.Life demands balance

The Law of Compensation is that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. If the pendulum swings one way, it must always swing back the other way. If you will, for a moment, stop; and consider that these swings of rhythm are also evidenced in your life. Courage is preceded by fear. Happiness and sadness oscillate.

The ancients say, “The man who enjoys well can also be subject to great suffering. The man who feels little pain is capable of feeling but little joy.”

Mentally, however, it is possible to escape the low end by rising above it. We are able to overcome the swing of the pendulum by making the vibrations higher and rising above the lower vibrations. In essence, we are raising the vibrations of the self above the ordinary plane of consciousness, and then simply “refusing” to allow the pendulum of emotion and mood to swing us back.

Even so, the Law of Compensation is operative. You will probably find that there is no such thing as an overnight success. One generally pays the price for what he wants to attain. The things that one pays a price for are always repaid.

Always remember that everything is subject to the principle of cause and effect. There is a cause for every effect, and vice versa. Regardless of a belief that says that there is no cause and effect, the principle is always operative.

There are many phenomena we have found how the effects of well balanced universe really works, and it is also evidence to the thought of Aristotle ‘there is no effect or motion without a cause’:

1.Gravity and Atmosphere

Gravity is what keeps a planet’s gaseous atmosphere from spreading out into space away from the planet. If we compare the gravitational pull of each planet in our solar system we would find them to be different. This is because a planet’s gravity is related to its mass. Usually the greater a planet’s mass, the greater the gravitational pull.

2.Gravity and Tides

The gravitational attraction between the Earth and the moon is strongest on the side of the Earth that happens to be facing the moon, simply because it is closer.

Gravity and inertia act in opposition on the Earth’s oceans, creating tidal bulges on opposite sites of the planet. On the “near” side of the Earth (the side facing the moon), the gravitational force of the moon pulls the ocean’s waters toward it, creating one bulge. On the far side of the Earth, inertia dominates, creating a second bulge.

This attraction causes the water on this “near side” of Earth to be pulled toward the moon. As gravitational force acts to draw the water closer to the moon, inertia attempts to keep the water in place. But the gravitational force exceeds it and the water is pulled toward the moon, causing a “bulge” of water on the near side toward the moon.

3.Gravity and Earthquake

The relation between plate tectonics and earthquake evolution is analyzed systematically on the basis of 1998–2010 absolute and relative gravity data from the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China. Most earthquakes originated in the plate boundary or within the fault zone. Tectonic deformation was most intense and exhibited discontinuity within the tectonically active fault zone because of the differential movement; the stress accumulation produced an abrupt gravity change, which was further enhanced by the earthquake. The gravity data from mainland China since 2000 obviously reflected five major earthquakes (Ms > 7), all of which were better reflected than before 2000. Regional gravity anomalies and a gravity gradient change were observed in the area around the epicenter about 2 or 3 years before the earthquake occurred, suggesting that gravity change may be a seismic precursor. Furthermore, in this study, the medium-term predictions of the Ms7.3 Yutian, Ms8.0 Wenchuan, and Ms7.0 Lushan earthquakes are analytically presented and evaluated, especially to estimate location of earthquake.

4.Gravity Waves, gravity in fluid dinamics

In fluid dynamics, gravity waves are waves generated in a fluid medium or at the interface between two media when the force of gravity or buoyancy tries to restore equilibrium. An example of such an interface is that between the atmosphere and the ocean, which gives rise to wind waves.

When a fluid element is displaced on an interface or internally to a region with a different density, gravity will try to restore it toward equilibrium, resulting in an oscillation about the equilibrium state or wave orbit.

Gravity waves on an air–sea interface of the ocean are called surface gravity waves or surface waves, while gravity waves that are within the body of the water (such as between parts of different densities) are called internal waves. Wind-generated waves on the water surface are examples of gravity waves, as are tsunamis and ocean tides.

Wind-generated gravity waves on the free surface of the Earth’s ponds, lakes, seas and oceans have a period of between 0.3 and 30 seconds (3 Hz to 0.03 Hz). Shorter waves are also affected by surface tension and are called gravity–capillary waves and (if hardly influenced by gravity) capillary waves. Alternatively, so-called infragravity waves, which are due to subharmonic nonlinear wave interaction with the wind waves, have periods longer than the accompanying wind-generated waves.

Viewing waves in the sea and on the beach, is a very interesting sight if at that time, we thinking about how physics-gravity in fluid dynamics-work there.

Waves in the sea moving up and down driven by the wind, and the pull of Earth’s gravity looks so beautifully to restore the balance of sea water.

A poet would probably be beautiful to describe in words, how the gravity waves work -will be like the hands of a mother who did not want his son away from her-by strong gusts of wind-and pulled back his son in his arms.

A wonderful experience, and it is real, it can be seen by anyone, and can be proven by anyone-that a force of gravity exists -how could trust to someone who says ‘gravity nothing about force’ … although that said it was known as a genius and great scientists in the world … ..

5.Gravity waves can energize tornados

Gravity waves are global events. Much like the ripples on a massive pond, these large-scale waves can propagate from an atmospheric disturbance over thousands of miles.

Now gravity waves are believed to have a part to play. As they pass over a storm, the pressure of the overlying gravity wave propagation will compress the storm.

These waves are maintained by the gravitational force of Earth pulling down and the buoyancy of the atmosphere pushing up. Until now it has been hard to link atmospheric gravity waves with other atmospheric phenomena, but new research suggests that gravity waves passing over storms can spin up highly dangerous and damaging tornados… Suddenly gravity waves become very important and may help to forecast where and when tornados may strike.

6.Gravity and Tsunami

A tsunami can be generated by any disturbance that displaces a large water mass from its equilibrium position. Submarine landslides, which often occur during a large earthquake, can also create a tsunami. During a submarine landslide, the equilibrium sea-level is altered by sediment moving along the sea-floor. Gravitational forces then propagate the tsunami given the initial perturbation of the sea-level.

7.Gravity and Katabatic wind

A katabatic wind, is the technical name for a drainage wind, a wind that carries high density air from a higher elevation down a slope under the force of gravity. Such winds are sometimes also called fall winds. Katabatic winds can rush down elevated slopes at hurricane speeds, but most are not as intense as that, and many are of the order of 10 knots (18 km/h) or less.

Not all downslope winds are katabatic. For instance, winds such as the föhn, chinook, and bergwind are rain shadow winds where air driven upslope on the windward side of a mountain range drops its moisture and descends leeward drier and warmer. Examples of true katabatic winds include the bora (or bura) in the Adriatic, the Bohemian Wind or Böhmwind in the Ore Mountains, the Santa Ana in southern California, and the oroshi in Japan. Another example is “the Barber”, an enhanced katabatic wind that blows over the town of Greymouth in New Zealand when there is a southeast flow over the South Island. It is a wind that is known in the area for its coldness.

8.Earth wobbles on its axis

Since 2003, Greenland has lost on average more than 272 trillion kilograms of ice a year, and that affects the way the Earth wobbles in a manner similar to a figure skater lifting one leg while spinning, said Nasa scientist Eirk Ivins, the study’s co-author.

On top of that, West Antarctica loses 124 trillion kgs of ice and East Antarctica gains about 74 trillion kgs of ice yearly, helping tilt the wobble further, Ivins said.

They all combine to pull polar motion toward the east, Adhikari said.

Jianli Chen, a senior research scientist at the University of Texas’ Center for Space Research, first attributed the pole shift to climate change in 2013, and he said this new study takes his work a step further.

“There is nothing to worry about,” said Chen, who wasn’t part of the Nasa study. “It is just another interesting effect of climate change.”(theguardian).

May be climate change is happening, but it is not evidence causing Earth’s poles to shift. It is evidence our understanding of gravity isn’t comprehensive. Strength and decrease of Earth’s gravity causing Earth’s poles to shift. It is a strong evidence gravity isn’t just something of a force that any two bodies in universe attract each other, but moreover, gravity is a force due to the effects of well balanced universe.

There is nothing to worry about ……………it is just another interesting effect of Earth’s gravity, not climate change. Nature will restore the balance by itself …..

Some of those events are caused by human activities that are not realized of the impact in the form of disaster for human life. For example, danger of GMO crop (Need for the respect of nature), etc.

Where does Gravity come from?

In fact, the Earth received energy in the form of radiation from the Sun. For the Earth to remain in balance the energy coming into and leaving the Earth must equal. Energy for Earth’ gravity come from the Sun

Energy for Earrh’s Gravity come from the Sun

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Gatot Soedarto

Navigator, former lecturer on Astronomy. Author: Logical Fallacies of Special and General Theory of Relativity, 1919 Eclipse and General Relativity.