Developing a Client-Side Testing Strategy

Advantages, challenges, and best practices

Gavin Macken
The Startup


Photo by the author.

Why Test?

Testing improves the quality of your product and makes it easier to successfully scale your application by allowing for more developers to reliably make updates and push with confidence.

You know the drill: A user reports a bug, they get frustrated, perhaps they can’t use your application at all.

The bug is reported to the team, and because of its severity, it’s full steam ahead trying to resolve the problem. The sprint grinds to a standstill as your resources are sucked up and user trust erodes. This makes things very stressful indeed for your committed dev team that has the responsibility to resolve it and not push up fragile code in the first place.

There is no easy way of handling this situation. That’s why the best thing to do is avoid it by wrapping your code in tests that must pass before deployment, capturing these bugs before they wiggle up to the surface and see the light of day.

They allow us to find more bugs more easily when they do occur and eliminate worries when re-factoring, eventually leading to better code.

Release with confidence — particularly when deploying native applications, as these have a longer release…

