GitHub Copilot X: The Next Level of AI Pair Programming

3 min readApr 13, 2023


GitHub Copilot is a popular tool that helps developers write code faster and with less effort. It uses the OpenAI Codex to suggest code and entire functions in real-time, right from your editor. What if you could take GitHub Copilot to the next level? What if you could get AI-generated pull request descriptions, automated testing, chat support, documentation, and a command-line interface? That’s what GitHub Copilot X is all about.

GitHub Copilot X is a new feature that GitHub is currently exploring as part of its GitHub Next initiative. GitHub Next is constantly exploring new ideas to create a more productive future of software development, helping you build what’s next. GitHub Copilot X is one of those ideas, and it aims to make GitHub Copilot even more powerful and versatile.

Here are some of the features that GitHub Copilot X promises to offer:

  • AI-generated PR descriptions: No more skipping the pull request template or writing vague summaries. With GitHub Copilot X, you can press tab tab tab to enter and get a concise and informative description of your changes based on the context of your code and comments.
  • Automate automated testing: Don’t worry about missing a test case or writing redundant tests. GitHub Copilot X can point out missing unit tests and generate new test cases for you after every build, using code analysis and natural language understanding.
  • GitHub Copilot chat: Need help with a coding problem or quick feedback on your code? GitHub Copilot chat lets you chat with GitHub Copilot directly from your editor, using natural language queries and commands. You can ask GitHub Copilot to explain a concept, suggest a solution, refactor your code, or even tell you a joke.
  • GitHub Copilot for docs: Writing documentation can be tedious and time-consuming. GitHub Copilot for docs can help you generate high-quality documentation for your code using natural language generation and code summarization. You can ask GitHub Copilot to write a comment, a docstring, a README file, or even a blog post about your project.
  • GitHub Copilot for CLI: Sometimes, you must use the command-line interface to perform specific tasks or access certain features. GitHub Copilot for CLI can help you by suggesting commands and options based on context and intent. You can also use GitHub Copilot for CLI to run scripts, execute commands, or interact with other tools.

GitHub Copilot X is still in development and not available to the public yet. However, you can sign up today and join developers worldwide who use GitHub Copilot to code faster, focus on business logic over boilerplate, and do what matters most: building great software. You can also check out the frequently asked questions section on the GitHub website to learn more about GitHub Copilot X and its features.

GitHub Copilot X is an exciting new feature that aims to take AI pair programming to the next level. It promises to offer more features and capabilities than the original GitHub Copilot, making it easier and more enjoyable for developers to write code. Whether working in a new language or framework or just learning to code, GitHub Copilot X can help you find your way. Are you ready to try it out?

