Tips for tailoring your website to foreign markets

4 min readJan 9, 2017


Multilingual content creation and translation as marketing strategies have made it possible to reach new foreign markets but they are only an instrument of other marketing tools, for example email marketing strategies or marketing plans for multilingual social media.

Website translation and the email translation for multilingual marketing campaigns, as well as automatisation tools help maintain lead generation and conversion so that growth does not stop. These continue to generate new interest from potential clients even while your entire team sleeps. Thanks to advances in technology, our startup has been able to reach international consumers and boost sales abroad. Furthermore, with changes in market trends, we have evolved and transformed from a traditional translation agency into an intelligent translation management system based on inbound marketing tools and multilingual automatic learning that allows us to continue growing at a global level.

Content marketing is the most successful strategy used to export products and services to foreign markets by establishing sincere and facilitative communication from brands to the international consumers.

Companies offer quality web content — something that is of interest to their potential clients abroad in order to successfully expand their business into new market destinations. One challenge that many companies face is to determine what topics to use when generating content or what keywords to use in foreign markets to position products and services online.

The first step that we would usually advise to tackle this problem would be to analyse the competition. However, this is tricky to develop a marketing strategy for foreign markets, especially if you cannot understand the language of the target market destination. How do you determine which keywords are being used? There are a number of tools available online to help you and they’re pretty efficient.

Studying your competition: The ahrefs tool allows you to analyze which words are used by other websites, for example, your competition. It is payable but has a trial period that allows you to evaluate it for a few weeks. Another similar tool is Semrush.

Keywords for SEO: A very useful tool to help plan your SEO strategy is Übersuggest, a web page that allows you to identify long tail keywords: expressions that consist of three, four or five words. For example, from the keyword “web content”, a long tail word would be “web content in English”. Long tail keywords have less competition and are easier to position in search engines.

In addition, to find more appropriate keywords, of course Google lets users harness their tool Google Keyword Planner. This allows you to see how many monthly searches each word or phrase records in a particular country.

Also, our cloud-based web tool, GearCloud, which is free of charge, you can upload content or catalogs and you will receive a list of the technical terms of the sector translated into all the languages you require.

One more to add is Moz Keyword Difficulty Tool, which offers relevant information on the difficulty of each keyword for its positioning, taking into account factors such as how many companies compete to position themselves with that particular keyword.

Being able to harness these marketing tools and incorporating into them into your multilingual marketing strategies when entering new foreign markets means that smaller companies can now operate at a global level and maximise their online exposure to international consumers. Nowadays, a large amount of capital or thousands of employees isn’t essential for internationalisation, just a multilingual communication strategy based on web content analysis.

The first step to take is to identify competitors and look at their websites, YouTube channels, social network platforms and all the types of web content they are publishing. Once you’ve got this information, start using the tools we’ve spoken about in order to find keywords trends that you can identify among the contents of your competitors. From this, you will form an idea of the topics and keywords to focus on when creating your online content and you can begin to create a multilingual content strategy from there. Alternatively, if you can translate content that has already been created, but just adapting it to include the new keywords that you need to use for that foreign market.

What are you waiting for? Get online, analyse your competition and use the technology to optimize your online exposure. And you do not need to do it on your own! We can help you plan your website translation and SEO positioning. Contact us to review your multilingual marketing strategy together!

GearTranslations offers professional translations and multilingual content creation for technical sectors such as IT, Finance, Health, Safety, Legal, Pharma, and Manufacturing. Accurate, professional translations and creative content are a vital component in the internationalisation of your business to break down the language barriers that prevent fluid communication with international consumers, foreign distributors, and foreign suppliers in any market overseas.

We offer 24/7 access to our online platform, speedy delivery of up to 5 hours, a cloud-based back-up copy for all previous translations. Our personalised translation library means you can save costs in the long run and our unique algorithm lets you capitalise on each translation, transforming your multilingual content into valuable assets for your company.

We’re a startup that values expansion at a global level. We understand that internationalisation entails many challenges because we ourselves have been there too when we expanded into new foreign markets. So, are you ready to embark on the internalisation journey, launch into new market destinations, and drive sales abroad? Contact us. Our translation service and multilingual content copywriting is the door to expand your business! We have a team of talented linguists, software developers, and creative millennials ready to help you improve your multilingual communications.

Image copyright: Fotolia

