Consumer IoT with Geeny: Recap of Geeny’s IoT meetup
2 min readDec 16, 2016


Everyone is talking about Internet of Things: smart home devices, smart fitness wearables, and smart clothes. How do we get them to interact together giving users a real IoT experience?

That’s what we tried to tackle at Geeny’s consumer IoT meetup yesterday. Startups, IoT enthusiasts, and developers gathered yesterday at our very first meetup organised together with Pirates (ARRR!). Hosted at Rainmaking Loft, Berlin’s tech focused co-working and event space, it brought a true startup spirit.

The event kicked off with Moritz Diekmann, Chief Geeny highlighting Geeny’s role in revolutionising consumer IoT. He discussed pressing issues of data privacy and explained how separating hardware and software will lead to new business opportunities in IoT.

We welcomed Jeff Katz, founder of KIWI and organiser of as new Tech Geeny. Jeff shared his personal story and explained his vision for Geeny — a place where developers can focus developing their next big idea.

Geeny own speakers were joined on the stage by Dogsens’, Wotch, Conichi, and Teraki, exciting IoT startups from Berlin’s booming startup scene.

For those of you who missed our event we prepared a short summary of their IoT solutions:

Wotch takes a revolutionary approach to smart watches. It integrates smartwatch capabilities into a classic wrist watch through a smart e-strap.

Conichi is an innovative hotel app that helps guests and hotels to create memorable guest experiences and simplify check-in and check-out for business travelers. Through secure mobile payment, Conichi saves time and enables fast check-­in/-out. Shared guest preferences and profiles enhance personal interaction.

Teraki makes big data small. Data can be reduced by a factor 10 at the sensor level without additional computation resources. Teraki’s software solutions reduce and optimize big data from IoT sensors by enabling intelligent actions in efficient way.

Dogsens is a smart dog tracker developed and powered by Geeny. It helps dog users better understand their pet’s needs and wants by monitoring their behavior, activity, and wellbeing.

This is just a beginning of Geeny IoT meetup series. Tune in to find out more!



We help you connect everything — not just smart objects, but services, devices, systems and ultimately, people