XGS — Looking Back…Moving Forward

3 min readAug 19, 2018

First and foremost, we would like to apologize regarding the lack of communication over the past month. While the Crypto Market has been in a general slump, the truth is that GenesisX hasn’t seen the brightest of days. Mistakes were made both in the recruiting and development sectors and for the briefest of moments we lost sight of our goals. We have no excuses for these mistakes. Bad decisions were made and communication prior to these decisions wasn’t enforced. However, rather than admit defeat and quit, we’re learning from these mistakes. We’ve taken a step back, regrouped and regained our focus. With this renewed strength, GenesisX will be getting back on track with all team members working together to make the best decisions for the project.


As part of the ongoing efforts to get GenesisX back on track, the founders (Gabriel and Tom) have decided to create ‘The Core Team’. It will include members that have been with GenesisX from the beginning and new members which have had a positive impact on the project. The Core Team should be thought of as a “Board of Directors” with each member having an equal say on the developments of the project. It is our belief that having a passionate, multi-disciplinary team with equal voice, will allow us to avoid repeating the same mistakes and set us on the correct path to success. GenesisX is now a project for individuals, governed by individuals! The core team will be on the website in the next couple of days.


The first order of business for the newly formed Core Team was to look back and reassess past ideas and decisions. This was essential in order to be able to move forward in the right direction. Having come to a decision, it’s finally time to clear the air and set the record straight. There has been a lot of confusion and misguided information, partly due to lack of communication but also because we lost sight of our true goal for a brief moment.

To start off with, there will be NO SHIELD PLATFORM. Looking back, this was a fantastic idea, but wasn’t the original reason GenesisX was created. GenesisX started with the goal of improving the security and privacy aspects of Cryptocurrency and Cloud-based storage. It has been decided we will continue on our original path and create a truly secure and private blockchain and storage platform — and in time combine both aspects to allow file sharing on the GenesisX Blockchain.

Soon, Genesis S.P.S (Secure Private Storage) will become the best platform of its kind!


In order to meet our goals and more, we need to continually develop, innovate and maintain our platforms and in order to do so, the team needs to grow. To that extent, we’re looking to hire talented and passionate individuals that, like us, believe in the promise of GenesisX and what it can become. If you’re interested and identify as one of the following endangered species, please reach out to either Tom or Gabriel on Discord:

  • Blockchain Developer
  • Wallet Developer
  • Website Developer (Full-stack preferable, otherwise state if your focus is front-end or back-end)
  • Security Expert (with experience in pentesting and cryptography)


We will strive to continually keep the community and investors informed, on both achievements and plans. To that extent, we’ve opted to publish regular updates using Medium. We would also like to hear from you, so send us your questions and feedback.

We’re humbled you’ve stuck it out with us and we can’t wait to reward your faith as we move forward with you!




Official Articles/Announcements from the Cryptocurrency GenesisX